Обсуждение: Re: Schedule and Release Management Team for PG10


Re: Schedule and Release Management Team for PG10

Andres Freund
On 2017-03-29 16:04:50 -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Tom Lane wrote:
> > My own thought is that there's room for at least a few days' slop in
> > the end date of the final commitfest, depending on what patches remain
> > open and what the prospects are for getting them done.  (In the past
> > we've sometimes let the final fest stretch on indefinitely, which is
> > clearly the Wrong Thing; but that doesn't mean that the Right Thing is
> > to say that it ends at 2017-04-01 00:00 UTC no matter what.)  The RMT
> > should look at things in another day or two and make a judgment call
> > about that.
> I was rather surprised to see the March commitfest declared to exactly
> one month and feature freeze immediately thereafter.  Last time around
> we left 2 weeks between CF end and feature freeze; the previous one I
> think we had the final CF last two months.  Not stretch on indefinitely,
> but we know the final CF for a cycle takes more effort than previous
> ones, so it seems reasonable to give more time.  We have a large number
> of patches still waiting for review.
