Обсуждение: GSOC 2018 Project Progress


GSOC 2018 Project Progress

Kefan Yang

Hello Hackers!


My name is Kefan Yang, and I am working on my Google Summer of Code 2018 project. For the first evaluation, I should be able to hand in:

  1. the benchmark implementations of introsort, timsort, dual-pivot quicksort and radixsort.
  2. Phase 1(random array) and 2(worst case) of the benchmark


I have a repo for this project here. My current progress:

  1. sort.h implemented sorting routines including introsort, timsort, dual-pivot quicksort and radixsort. I used some macros to support multiple data type(int, char, and string).
  2. test.c implemented some simple test cases to test functions in sort.h, which is able to check the correctness of sorting functions, count number of comparisons and evaluate performance on random input.
  3. benchmark is still in process. Current it’s able generating unsorted, sorted, reversed, mostly sorted and mostly reversed test data(integers only).


In general, I’ve kept up with the schedule. I should be able to make the benchmark work before the evaluation deadline. Please feel free to tell me if you have any suggestion😊