Обсуждение: foreign key to foreign table


foreign key to foreign table

Kaye Ann Ignacio

I have a foreign table created with postgres_fdw and with that, I tried to create a local table to reference the foreign table in order to set a foreign key constraint in my local table but I get an error message saying that the referenced table is not a table. Is there a way I can reference a foreign table? 

Thank you.

Kaye Ann Ignacio, Programmer
proceedit "the BPaaS company"
kaye.ignacio@proceedit.com +34 679188011 (mobile)

Re: foreign key to foreign table

Ashutosh Bapat
On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 12:13 PM, Kaye Ann Ignacio
<kaye.ignacio@proceedit.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a foreign table created with postgres_fdw and with that, I tried to
> create a local table to reference the foreign table in order to set a
> foreign key constraint in my local table but I get an error message saying
> that the referenced table is not a table. Is there a way I can reference a
> foreign table?

I don't think so. Since the data in a foreign table resides on a
foreign server and can be manipulated without local server knowing
about it, it's very possible that those foreign key constraints will
become invalid without local server knowing about them.

This looks like a question for general mailing list to me.
Best Wishes,
Ashutosh Bapat
EnterpriseDB Corporation
The Postgres Database Company