Обсуждение: BUG #15307: Low numerical precision of (Co-) Variance


BUG #15307: Low numerical precision of (Co-) Variance

PG Bug reporting form
The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      15307
Logged by:          Erich Schubert
Email address:      erich@debian.org
PostgreSQL version: 9.6.6
Operating system:   Linux

Numerical precision of variance computations in PostgreSQL is too low.

FROM (SELECT 1000000.01 as x UNION SELECT 999999.99 as x) AS x

The first two give the low-precision answer 0.000244140625 instead of
0.0002. Interestingly enough, VAR_SAMP(x) is okay - I guess that postgres
may autodetect a fixed-precision decimal here, or use some high precision

If you add just another digit (10 million +- 1 cent), the bad functions even
return a variance of 0:

FROM (SELECT 10000000.01 as x UNION SELECT 9999999.99 as x) AS x

The reason is catastrophic cancellation. Apparently, the covariance is
computed using the E[XY]-E[X]E[Y] approach, which suffers from low numerical

While I report this against version 9.6.6 (since I used sqlfiddle), this
clearly is present still in Git:


it should also affect the general "numeric" version (i.e. all versions of
variance/covariance/standard deviation use the known-bad equation), but for
integers it usually will be fine as long as the sum-of-squares can be


There are a number of methods to get a reasonable precision. The simplest to
implement is a two pass approach: first compute the mean of each variable,
then compute E[(X-meanX)*(Y-meanY)] in a second pass. This will usually give
the best precision. Faster (single-pass) methods can be found in literature
from the 1970s, and also Donald Knuth's "The Art of Computer Programming".
In particular Young and Cramer's version performed quite well (and
surprisingly much better than Welford's; supposedly due to CPU pipelining).
Single-pass and parallelization-friendly approaches (interesting to use in
particular in distributed databases, but also to avoid IO cost) with good
accuracy are studied in:
> Erich Schubert, and Michael Gertz. Numerically Stable Parallel Computation
of (Co-)Variance. In: Proceedings of the 30th International Conference on
Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM), Bolzano-Bozen,
Italy. 2018, 10:1–10:12. DOI: 10.1145/3221269.3223036.

The problem has also been observed in other SQL databases (MS - others like
MySQL have implemented a numeric stable single-pass approach), see e.g.:
> Kamat, Niranjan, and Arnab Nandi. "A Closer Look at Variance
Implementations In Modern Database Systems." ACM SIGMOD Record 45.4 (2017):
28-33. DOI: 10.1145/3092931.3092936.

Sorry, I do not know the PostgreSQL internals (aggregation...) well enough
to provide a patch.

Re: BUG #15307: Low numerical precision of (Co-) Variance

Dean Rasheed
On 1 August 2018 at 14:35, PG Bug reporting form <noreply@postgresql.org> wrote:
> Numerical precision of variance computations in PostgreSQL is too low.
> SELECT VAR_SAMP(x::float8), COVAR_SAMP(x, x), VAR_SAMP(x)
> FROM (SELECT 1000000.01 as x UNION SELECT 999999.99 as x) AS x
> The first two give the low-precision answer 0.000244140625 instead of
> 0.0002. Interestingly enough, VAR_SAMP(x) is okay ...

For a number of those statistical aggregates, PostgreSQL provides 2
implementations -- one implemented using double precision floating
point arithmetic, which is much faster, but necessarily less accurate
and possibly platform-dependent; and one implemented using the
arbitrary precision numeric datatype, which will return much more
accurate results. For any input datatypes other than floating point,
you will automatically get the latter, which is what you're seeing
with var_samp(x), when you're not explicitly casting the input to

However, all-the 2-argument aggregates such as corr() and
covar_pop/samp() currently only have floating point implementations,
and suffer from the problem you report, which I agree, is not great.
If we can easily improve the accuracy of those aggregates, then I
think it is worthwhile.

Using a two pass approach isn't really an option, given the way that
aggregates work in PostgreSQL, however, implementing Welford's
algorithm looks to be quite straightforward. I had a quick play and I
found that it fixed the accuracy problem with no noticeable
performance penalty -- there are a few extra cycles in the accumulator
functions, but compared to the overall per-tuple overhead, that
appears to be negligible.

I'll post something shortly.


Re: BUG #15307: Low numerical precision of (Co-) Variance

Erich Schubert

> For a number of those statistical aggregates, PostgreSQL provides 2
> implementations -- one implemented using double precision floating
> point arithmetic, which is much faster, but necessarily less accurate
> and possibly platform-dependent; and one implemented using the
> arbitrary precision numeric datatype, which will return much more
> accurate results. For any input datatypes other than floating point,
> you will automatically get the latter, which is what you're seeing
> with var_samp(x), when you're not explicitly casting the input to
> float8.
Ok, I am surprised that this is possible to do with arbitrary precision 
here, as for example with 8 data points, it will eventually involve a 
division by 7, which cannot be represented even with arbitrary (finite) 
precision floating point. But maybe just this division comes late enough 
(after the difference) that it just works before being converted to a 
float for the division.
> However, all-the 2-argument aggregates such as corr() and
> covar_pop/samp() currently only have floating point implementations,
> and suffer from the problem you report, which I agree, is not great.
> If we can easily improve the accuracy of those aggregates, then I
> think it is worthwhile.
> Using a two pass approach isn't really an option, given the way that
> aggregates work in PostgreSQL, however, implementing Welford's
> algorithm looks to be quite straightforward. I had a quick play and I
> found that it fixed the accuracy problem with no noticeable
> performance penalty -- there are a few extra cycles in the accumulator
> functions, but compared to the overall per-tuple overhead, that
> appears to be negligible.
Instead of Welford, I recommend to use the Youngs-Cramer approach. It is 
almost the same; roughly it is aggregating sum-X and sum((X-meanX)²) 
directly (whereas Welford updates mean-X, and sum((X-meanX)^2)). So the 
first aggregate is actually unchanged to the current approach.
In my experiments, this was surprisingly much faster when the data was a 
double[]; explainable by CPU pipelining (see the Figure in the paper I 
linked - the division comes late, and the next step does not depend on 
the division, so pipelining can already process the next double without 
waiting for the division to finish).

Youngs & Cramer original publication: 

The (non-parallel) implementation of the classic algorithms used in the 
SSDBM 2018 paper are (templated only for aggregate precision; no guard 
against len=0):

template <typename T = double>
double youngs_cramer_var(const double* const data, const size_t len) {
     T sum = data[0], var = 0;
     for(size_t i=1; i<len;) {
         const size_t oldi = i;
         const double x = data[i++];
         sum += x;
         double tmp = i * x - sum;
         var += tmp * tmp / (i * (double) oldi);
     return var / len;

Close to Welfords original article:

template <typename T = double>
double welford_var(const double* const data, const size_t len) {
     T mean = data[0], var = 0;
     for(size_t i=1; i<len; ) {
         const size_t oldi = i;
         const double x = data[i++];
         const double delta = x - mean;
         mean = mean * oldi / (double) i + x / i;
         var += oldi / (double) i * delta * delta;
     return var / len;

 From Knuth's book, attributed to Welford (but usuing fewer divisons), 
likely the most widely known incremental version:

template <typename T = double>
double knuth_var(const double* const data, const size_t len) {
     T mean = data[0], xx = 0;
     for(size_t i=1; i<len;) {
         const double v = data[i++];
         const double delta = v - mean;
         mean += delta / i;
         xx += delta * (v - mean);
     return xx / len;

In both Welford and Knuth, the "mean" aggregate depends on the division; 
with YC it does not, so I recommend YC.

If Postgres could use parallel aggregation, let me know. I can assist 
with the proper aggregation of several partitions (both distributed, or 
multithreaded). Using multiple partitions can also slightly improve 
precision; but it is mostly interesting to process multiple chunks in 
If I have some spare time to clean it up some more, I intend to 
open-source the entire experimental code from SSDBM18 for reproducibility.


Re: BUG #15307: Low numerical precision of (Co-) Variance

Dean Rasheed
On 7 August 2018 at 12:58, Erich Schubert <erich@debian.org> wrote:
> I am surprised that this is possible to do with arbitrary precision
> here, as for example with 8 data points, it will eventually involve a
> division by 7, which cannot be represented even with arbitrary (finite)
> precision floating point. But maybe just this division comes late enough
> (after the difference) that it just works before being converted to a float
> for the division.

Right, the division comes at the end in that case.

> Instead of Welford, I recommend to use the Youngs-Cramer approach. It is
> almost the same; roughly it is aggregating sum-X and sum((X-meanX)²)
> directly (whereas Welford updates mean-X, and sum((X-meanX)^2)). So the
> first aggregate is actually unchanged to the current approach.
> In my experiments, this was surprisingly much faster when the data was a
> double[]; explainable by CPU pipelining (see the Figure in the paper I
> linked - the division comes late, and the next step does not depend on the
> division, so pipelining can already process the next double without waiting
> for the division to finish).
> Youngs & Cramer original publication:
> https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/1267176.pdf

OK, thanks for the reference. That was very interesting.

It was actually the Knuth variant of the Welford algorithm that I was
playing with, but I have now tried out the Youngs-Cramer algorithm as

In terms of performance the YC algorithm was maybe 2-3% slower than
Welford, which was roughly on a par with the current schoolbook
algorithm in PostgreSQL, but there was some variability in those
results, depending on the exact query in question. One thing to bear
in mind is that the kind of micro-optimisations that will make a huge
difference when processing in-memory data in tight loops as in your
examples are not nearly as important in the PostgreSQL environment
where there is a significant per-tuple overhead in fetching data,
depending on the enclosing SQL query. So the odd cycle here and there
from a division isn't going to matter much in this context.

Both algorithms eliminate the main loss-of-precision problem that the
current schoolbook algorithm suffers from, which I think has to be the
primary aim of this. The YC paper suggests that the results from their
algorithm might be slightly more accurate (although maybe not enough
that we really care). What I do like about the YC algorithm is that it
guarantees the same result from avg(), whereas the Welford algorithm
will change avg() slightly, possibly making it very slightly less

So I concur, the YC algorithm is probably preferable. For the record,
attached are both versions that I tried.

> If Postgres could use parallel aggregation, let me know. I can assist with
> the proper aggregation of several partitions (both distributed, or
> multithreaded). Using multiple partitions can also slightly improve
> precision; but it is mostly interesting to process multiple chunks in
> parallel.

PostgreSQL isn't multithreaded, but it will parallelise large
aggregates by distributing the computation over a small number of
worker backend processes, and then combining the results. I did a
quick back-of-the-envelope calculation to see how to combine the
results, and in testing it seemed to work correctly, but it would be
worth having a second pair of eyes to validate that.

I'll add this to the next commitfest for consideration.



Re: BUG #15307: Low numerical precision of (Co-) Variance

Dean Rasheed
On 9 August 2018 at 12:02, Dean Rasheed <dean.a.rasheed@gmail.com> wrote:
> ... the YC algorithm is probably preferable. For the record,
> attached are both versions that I tried.

Here is an updated, more complete patch, based on the YC algorithm,
with updated regression tests for the September commitfest.

All the existing tests pass unchanged, although I'm somewhat surprised
that the current tests pass with no platform variations. I've added
new tests to cover infinity/NaN handling, parallel aggregation and
confirm the improved accuracy with large offsets. The latter tests
operate well within in the limits of double precision arithmetic, so I
wouldn't expect any platform variation, but that's difficult
guarantee. If there are problems, it may be necessary to round the
test results.

Notable changes from the previous patch:

I have rewritten the overflow checks in the accum functions to be
clearer and more efficient which, if anything, makes these aggregates
now slightly faster than HEAD. More importantly though, I've added
explicit code to force Sxx to be NaN if any input is infinite, which
the previous coding didn't guarantee. I think NaN is the right result
for quantities like variance, if any input value is infinite, since it
logically involves 'infinity minus infinity'. That's also consistent
with the current behaviour.

I have also made the aggregate combine functions SQL-callable to make
testing easier -- there was a bug in the previous version due to a
typo which meant that float8_regr_combine() was incorrect when N1 was
non-zero and N2 was zero. That situation is unlikely to happen in
practice, and difficult to provoke deliberately without manually
calling the combine function, which is why I didn't spot it before.
The new tests cover all code branches, and make it easier to see that
the combine functions are producing the correct results.

