Обсуждение: Eror while dropping a user


Eror while dropping a user

Ertan Küçükoğlu

Using PostgreSQL 9.6.9 on Linux amd64 platform.

I have two users that I cannot drop from the system. I revoked all
permissions from tables, sequences, functions. They do not own any objects.
My log lines are as following:
2018-08-03 23:24:03.897    There are 2 users that needs to be removed from
2018-08-03 23:24:03.897    Removing user previliges on tables: pars.test
2018-08-03 23:24:03.899    Removing user previliges on sequences: pars.test
2018-08-03 23:24:03.900    Removing user previliges on functions: pars.test
2018-08-03 23:24:03.900    Dropping user itself: pars.test
2018-08-03 23:24:03.901    Drop user failed: SQL Error: ERROR:  role
"pars.test" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
AYRINTI:  1 object in database postgres
2018-08-03 23:24:03.901    Removing user previliges on tables: pars.test2
2018-08-03 23:24:03.902    Removing user previliges on sequences: pars.test2
2018-08-03 23:24:03.903    Removing user previliges on functions: pars.test2
2018-08-03 23:24:03.903    Dropping user itself: pars.test2
2018-08-03 23:24:03.904    Drop user failed: SQL Error: ERROR:  role
"pars.test2" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
AYRINTI:  1 object in database postgres

I could not find any reference on postgres database for these users. I am
not very good on database administration.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks & regards,

Re: Eror while dropping a user

Alessandro Aste
You can run this query to itendify the relations owned by the users you're not allowed to drop, just replace     ('<your_user_name_to_check>', 'username2' ..'userN' ) with the your role names . Then, once you have identified the tables/objecst   change the owner like this: 

ALTER TABLE <table_name> OWNER TO <valid_user> ; 

and try to drop the user again.

SELECT n.nspname as "Schema",
                            c.relname as "Name",
                            CASE c.relkind WHEN 'r' THEN 'table' WHEN 'v' THEN 'view' WHEN 'm' THEN 'materialized view' WHEN 'S' THEN 'sequence' WHEN 'f' THEN 'foreign table' END as "Type",
                            pg_catalog.array_to_string(c.relacl, E'\n') AS "Access privileges",
                                                        SELECT attname || E':\n  ' || pg_catalog.array_to_string(attacl, E'\n  ')
                                                        FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
                                                        WHERE attrelid = c.oid AND NOT attisdropped AND attacl IS NOT NULL
                                                        ), E'\n') AS "Column privileges",
                                SELECT polname
                                || CASE WHEN polcmd != '*' THEN
                                       E' (' || polcmd || E'):'
                                   ELSE E':'
                                || CASE WHEN polqual IS NOT NULL THEN
                                       E'\n  (u): ' || pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(polqual, polrelid)
                                   ELSE E''
                                || CASE WHEN polwithcheck IS NOT NULL THEN
                                       E'\n  (c): ' || pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(polwithcheck, polrelid)
                                   ELSE E''
                                   END    || CASE WHEN polroles <> '{0}' THEN
                                       E'\n  to: ' || pg_catalog.array_to_string(
                                               SELECT rolname
                                               FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles
                                               WHERE oid = ANY (polroles)
                                               ORDER BY 1
                                           ), E', ')
                                   ELSE E''
                                FROM pg_catalog.pg_policy pol
                                WHERE polrelid = c.oid), E'\n')
                                AS "Policies", ower_user.usename as "Object Owner"
                            FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
                            LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
                            LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user ower_user on (c.relowner = ower_user.usesysid)
                            WHERE c.relkind IN ('r', 'v', 'm', 'S', 'f')
                              AND n.nspname !~ '^pg_' AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid) 
  AND ower_user.usename in ('<your_user_name_to_check>', 'username2');

On Fri, Aug 3, 2018 at 10:41 PM, Ertan Küçükoğlu <ertan.kucukoglu@1nar.com.tr> wrote:

Using PostgreSQL 9.6.9 on Linux amd64 platform.

I have two users that I cannot drop from the system. I revoked all
permissions from tables, sequences, functions. They do not own any objects.
My log lines are as following:
2018-08-03 23:24:03.897    There are 2 users that needs to be removed from
2018-08-03 23:24:03.897    Removing user previliges on tables: pars.test
2018-08-03 23:24:03.899    Removing user previliges on sequences: pars.test
2018-08-03 23:24:03.900    Removing user previliges on functions: pars.test
2018-08-03 23:24:03.900    Dropping user itself: pars.test
2018-08-03 23:24:03.901    Drop user failed: SQL Error: ERROR:  role
"pars.test" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
AYRINTI:  1 object in database postgres
2018-08-03 23:24:03.901    Removing user previliges on tables: pars.test2
2018-08-03 23:24:03.902    Removing user previliges on sequences: pars.test2
2018-08-03 23:24:03.903    Removing user previliges on functions: pars.test2
2018-08-03 23:24:03.903    Dropping user itself: pars.test2
2018-08-03 23:24:03.904    Drop user failed: SQL Error: ERROR:  role
"pars.test2" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
AYRINTI:  1 object in database postgres

I could not find any reference on postgres database for these users. I am
not very good on database administration.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks & regards,

RE: Eror while dropping a user

Ertan Küçükoğlu
> From: Alessandro Aste <alessandro.aste@gmail.com>
> Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2018 12:02 AM
> To: Ertan Küçükoğlu <ertan.kucukoglu@1nar.com.tr>
> Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Subject: Re: Eror while dropping a user
> You can run this query to itendify the relations owned by the users you're not allowed to drop,
> just replace     ('<your_user_name_to_check>', 'username2' ..'userN' ) with the your role names .
> Then, once you have identified the tables/objecst   change the owner like this:

I tried to run it on "postgres" database and "pars" database, schemas on pars database, etc. All return empty results.

Thanks anyway.


RE: Eror while dropping a user

Ertan Küçükoğlu
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ertan Küçükoğlu <ertan.kucukoglu@1nar.com.tr>
> Sent: Friday, August 3, 2018 11:42 PM
> To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Subject: Eror while dropping a user
> Hello,
> Using PostgreSQL 9.6.9 on Linux amd64 platform.
> I have two users that I cannot drop from the system. I revoked all
permissions from tables, sequences, functions. They do not own any objects.

I found a table named "data" in postres database's public schema. Owner of
that table is postgres user. That table do not have any relation with these
users that I failed to drop. It is probably a mistakenly created test table.
After I drop that table, these users dropped without any error.

That is something weird to me. I am almost 100% sure that I did not give any
GRANT for these users out of "pars" database. Alessandro's provided scipt
did not return that table when I run it on postgres database and
postgres.public schema.

Anyway, I could clean up my users in the end.

Thanks & regards,

Re: Eror while dropping a user

Tom Lane
=?iso-8859-9?B?RXJ0YW4gS/zn/Gtv8Gx1?= <ertan.kucukoglu@1nar.com.tr> writes:
> Using PostgreSQL 9.6.9 on Linux amd64 platform.

> 2018-08-03 23:24:03.901    Drop user failed: SQL Error: ERROR:  role
> "pars.test" cannot be dropped because some objects depend on it
> AYRINTI:  1 object in database postgres

I see you've resolved your problem, but for future reference, note that
you could have gotten a more detailed error message if you'd issued the
DROP USER while connected to the postgres database.  When the command
is issued in database A, we can't see the details of what the user owns
in database B, only that there is something over there :-(

FWIW, I'm guessing that the issue was not object ownership per se,
but permissions granted on some object owned by someone else.  Those
have to be revoked as well before a DROP USER will succeed.

You might also care to read up on DROP OWNED BY.

            regards, tom lane