Обсуждение: psqlodbc && nested transaction


psqlodbc && nested transaction

    I have got some problems about psqlodbc.
       It mentions that  " Only one level of transactions is supported; you cannot nest transactions. "    What about postgresodbc  ???
   2. I have tried the test directory and i also found some file that used transactions, such as the document i uploaded( /test/cursor-block-delete-test.c).
      in this file i can only see the SQLEndTran(), and i am wandering whether there is something methods that i can use to create subtransaction like what i do in the postgres.
   3. In the file , i can only find the method(SQLExecDirect()) that can handle the tranaction. Is there anyother functions that i can use to handle the transaction?

I am a beginner of the pogramming, and my English is  very poor. Thank you very much for occupying your time reading this mail. And your any advice will help me a lot!
Thanks a lot!





Re: psqlodbc && nested transaction

"Inoue, Hiroshi"

On 2018/09/25 18:30, 狐狸的面包雨 wrote:
    I have got some problems about psqlodbc.
       It mentions that  " Only one level of transactions is supported; you cannot nest transactions. "    What about postgresodbc  ???
   2. I have tried the test directory and i also found some file that used transactions, such as the document i uploaded( /test/cursor-block-delete-test.c).
      in this file i can only see the SQLEndTran(), and i am wandering whether there is something methods that i can use to create subtransaction like what i do in the postgres.ovid

ODBC doesn't provide the way to handle subtransactions.
It is up to users to call SQLExecDirect('savepoint xxxxx'/'release xxxxx'/'rollback to xxxxx' etc).

Hiroshi Inoue

   3. In the file , i can only find the method(SQLExecDirect()) that can handle the tranaction. Is there anyother functions that i can use to handle the transaction?

I am a beginner of the pogramming, and my English is  very poor. Thank you very much for occupying your time reading this mail. And your any advice will help me a lot!
Thanks a lot!

ウイルス フリー。 www.avg.com