Обсуждение: Triggers when importing data


Triggers when importing data

Sathish Kumar
I am trying to export and import sql file of a database. I would like to know whether it will execute all the triggers when importing the sql dump which is for Insert or Update or Delete.
Export:pg_dump -h test -U db_admin --format=plain --no-owner --no-acl production     | sed -E 's/(DROP|CREATE|COMMENT ON) EXTENSION/-- \1 EXTENSION/g' > test.sql
Import: psql -h test -U db_admin -d production -W < test.sql

Re: Triggers when importing data

Laurenz Albe
Sathish Kumar wrote:
> I am trying to export and import sql file of a database. I would like to know
> whether it will execute all the triggers when importing the sql dump which
> is for Insert or Update or Delete.
> Export:pg_dump -h test -U db_admin --format=plain --no-owner --no-acl production     | sed -E 's/(DROP|CREATE|COMMENT
ON)EXTENSION/-- \1 EXTENSION/g' > test.sql
> Import: psql -h test -U db_admin -d production -W < test.sql

That will call all triggers on tables that have no primary key
or unique constraints.

On all other tables, that will give you a constraint violation because
the same rows are already in the table...

What are you trying to achieve?

Laurenz Albe
Cybertec | https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com

Re: Triggers when importing data

Adrian Klaver
On 11/28/18 9:43 PM, Sathish Kumar wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to export and import sql file of a database. I would like to know whether it will execute all the
triggerswhen importing the sql dump which is for Insert or Update or Delete.

Well you command as constructed below will have no INSERTs(or UPDATES OR 
DELETES). The data will be moved into the tables using COPY. Even if you 
use --inserts(https://www.postgresql.org/docs/10/app-pgdump.html) that 
is all you will get. Can you explain more what it is you are trying to 
achieve or expect?

> Export:pg_dump -h test -U db_admin --format=plain --no-owner --no-acl production     | sed -E 's/(DROP|CREATE|COMMENT
ON)EXTENSION/-- \1 EXTENSION/g' > test.sql
> Import: psql -h test -U db_admin -d production -W < test.sql

Adrian Klaver