Обсуждение: PostgreSQL 8.2.3


PostgreSQL 8.2.3

"Walczyk, Tomasz "

Dear Team


In reference project in which I’m involved I’m looking for rpm packages for very old PostgreSQL.

I’m looking for PostgreSQL 8.2.4 version. RPM’s which I can install on RedHat.

I think it will not be a problem if it will be version closely to that like 8.2.3, 8.2.2 or 8.2.5, 8.2.6

I found on your yum website (https://yum.postgresql.org/8.2/redhat/rhel-5-x86_64/) that is available one of the newest version 8.2.23 but there was some changes which not let me use this new DB.

I’ve read in documentation that there was some changes in DB structure name. I think it was in version 8.2.13 or 8.2.14

This what I want to get is make fresh PostgreSQL installation on new system and simply move folders with DB to new server and location.

When I will have same version I read that this will work. Any other cases are quite difficult as they need migration from one to the second one, which I never done unfortunately, also don’t want to brake very important DB or corrupt data in that DB. During this migration some changes in dump file should be corrected/adjusted so this also make this case quite difficult and problematic.


I appreciate all suggestion and help with this.



Pozdrawiam / Worm regards

Tomasz Walczyk,

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