Обсуждение: RE: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead


RE: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

Raymond Martin
Hi Pascal,
Thanks for your feedback! I like your ideas.

>the part that hurts in terms or performances is:
>    if (jstate.clocations_count > 0)
>        pgss_store(pstate->p_sourcetext,

I agree that this is the typically the most expensive part, but query normalization and hashing can also start becoming
expensivewith larger queries.   

>that writes the query text to disk, when it has at less one parameter ...
>Computing the QueryId should stay very small and can be very usefull when used in conjonction with

>for wait events sampling.

I also agree that the query id can be very useful! In cases where query id is required, pg_stat_statements can be
My intent of turning tracking off is to minimize the performance impact of pgss as much as possible and the thread
abovestates: "PGSS jumble query logic is not bullet proof and may take time then impact the perf". 

I believe your fix is a great step forward, but checking enabled at the very beginning would lead to better
performance.This also follows the paradigm set by the rest of the pg_stat_statements codebase. 
In the future, if we want only the query ID to be calculated maybe we can add another option for that?

Raymond Martin
Azure Database for PostgreSQL

RE: minimizing pg_stat_statements performance overhead

legrand legrand
Your fix is probably the best one.
Maybe this could be considered as a bug and back ported to previous versions


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