Обсуждение: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling


Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Will Hartung
I am trying to load data in to a table with a jsonb field that is indexed as gin (field jsonb_path_ops).

It's a large table, and I'm loading it 100K rows at a time. Eventually, it would be 30M+ rows in the table.

Originally I simply loaded the table and then tried to create the index, but it never finished.

So, I'm trying to load it incrementally.

I have 2.8M rows in the table so far, the jsonb field size is, on average, 1600 bytes, with the largest (of the 2.8M loaded) 1930. Simply, these are not large structures.

The first batches to load took various times for each file. Most of them < 1m, some took 1/2 hr.

The current file is "stuck", pushing past 20hrs so far.

The VM only has 4G of RAM, it is certainly "busy", but it is not swapping (not at the OS level).

Here is a recent top:

top - 11:34:01 up 1 day,  1:49,  2 users,  load average: 5.84, 4.94, 4.52
Tasks: 103 total,   1 running,  59 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
%Cpu(s):  0.0 us,  1.0 sy,  0.0 ni,  0.0 id, 95.3 wa,  0.0 hi,  3.7 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem :  4040212 total,   152336 free,   181792 used,  3706084 buff/cache
KiB Swap:  4194300 total,  4189948 free,     4352 used.  3443628 avail Mem

Postgres is pretty much default configurations, I have not tweaked any of the memory settings (such as work memory).

My Mac OS host isn’t that busy either, but the VM adds some load, and it's not thrashing.

While I was loading the file in 100K row chunks, here are the times of each respective chunk to actually load:

2:16:21s  <— the last to date, but this was yesterday, now it's past 20hrs

It stalled early, but then rocketed to the stalling cliff staring climax that it's at now.

The only reason this is on a Linux VM is that I saw similar behavior running native Postgres 9.6 on Mac OS (the host). It didn’t make any sense that Mac OS would be causing this, but, who knows. Try it and see.

Since the start of the load of the stalled piece, something has consumed over 800M of storage, I can’t say what, I did not check with any higher fidelity as to where the storage was going.

I do not understand why this suddenly falls over a cliff. The JSONs are not large, so I don’t see how any individual one could crush the memory subsystem. I have to assume that PG is somehow internally thrashing or paging or something. I appreciate that the db is not tuned, but I would not expect that it would struggle so to create this index, with these values, and such small JSON payloads.

Also, it’s not unique to the 29th piece. I’ve tried in the past to skip those, and it still failed. This has been happening for some time (months), but I keep putting it away.

Any insight is helpful. My biggest fear is that for whatever reason we will not be able to reload this table during any particular crisis in the future should it come to that.


Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Tim Cross
Will Hartung <willhartung@gmail.com> writes:

> I am trying to load data in to a table with a jsonb field that is indexed
> as gin (field jsonb_path_ops).
> It's a large table, and I'm loading it 100K rows at a time. Eventually, it
> would be 30M+ rows in the table.
> Originally I simply loaded the table and then tried to create the index,
> but it never finished.
> So, I'm trying to load it incrementally.
> I have 2.8M rows in the table so far, the jsonb field size is, on average,
> 1600 bytes, with the largest (of the 2.8M loaded) 1930. Simply, these are
> not large structures.
> The first batches to load took various times for each file. Most of them <
> 1m, some took 1/2 hr.
> The current file is "stuck", pushing past 20hrs so far.
> The VM only has 4G of RAM, it is certainly "busy", but it is not swapping
> (not at the OS level).
> Here is a recent top:
> top - 11:34:01 up 1 day,  1:49,  2 users,  load average: 5.84, 4.94, 4.52
> Tasks: 103 total,   1 running,  59 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
> %Cpu(s):  0.0 us,  1.0 sy,  0.0 ni,  0.0 id, 95.3 wa,  0.0 hi,  3.7 si,
> 0.0 st
> KiB Mem :  4040212 total,   152336 free,   181792 used,  3706084 buff/cache
> KiB Swap:  4194300 total,  4189948 free,     4352 used.  3443628 avail Mem
> Postgres is pretty much default configurations, I have not tweaked any of
> the memory settings (such as work memory).
> My Mac OS host isn’t that busy either, but the VM adds some load, and it's
> not thrashing.
> While I was loading the file in 100K row chunks, here are the times of each
> respective chunk to actually load:
> 0:46s
> 3:17s
> 8:12s
> 9:54s
> 14:09s
> 12:07s
> 18:50s
> 9:01s
> 25:28s
> 38:49s
> 25:24s
> 1:21s
> 0:47s
> 0:32s
> 0:39s
> 0:31s
> 0:31s
> 0:28s
> 0:29s
> 0:28s
> 0:21s
> 0:27s
> 0:36s
> 0:22s
> 0:27s
> 0:20s
> 0:21s
> 0:19s
> 2:16:21s  <— the last to date, but this was yesterday, now it's past 20hrs
> It stalled early, but then rocketed to the stalling cliff staring climax
> that it's at now.
> The only reason this is on a Linux VM is that I saw similar behavior
> running native Postgres 9.6 on Mac OS (the host). It didn’t make any sense
> that Mac OS would be causing this, but, who knows. Try it and see.
> Since the start of the load of the stalled piece, something has consumed
> over 800M of storage, I can’t say what, I did not check with any higher
> fidelity as to where the storage was going.
> I do not understand why this suddenly falls over a cliff. The JSONs are not
> large, so I don’t see how any individual one could crush the memory
> subsystem. I have to assume that PG is somehow internally thrashing or
> paging or something. I appreciate that the db is not tuned, but I would not
> expect that it would struggle so to create this index, with these values,
> and such small JSON payloads.
> Also, it’s not unique to the 29th piece. I’ve tried in the past to skip
> those, and it still failed. This has been happening for some time (months),
> but I keep putting it away.
> Any insight is helpful. My biggest fear is that for whatever reason we will
> not be able to reload this table during any particular crisis in the future
> should it come to that.
> Thanks.

Which version of postgres?

How are you loading the data? (application, psql, pg_restore) using
(insert, copy)?

Tim Cross

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Adrian Klaver
On 5/17/19 12:10 PM, Will Hartung wrote:
> I am trying to load data in to a table with a jsonb field that is 
> indexed as gin (field jsonb_path_ops).

In addition to what Tim asked:

Is the jsonb field the only field in the table?

Can we see the table schema?

Adrian Klaver

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Tom Lane
Will Hartung <willhartung@gmail.com> writes:
> I am trying to load data in to a table with a jsonb field that is indexed
> as gin (field jsonb_path_ops).
> ...
> The current file is "stuck", pushing past 20hrs so far.

In addition to the questions about what PG version you're using, is
the backend process that's doing the load actually consuming CPU time,
or is it just sitting?

If the latter, I wonder whether you're seeing the deadlock against
VACUUM that was fixed a few months ago.  A similarly-stuck vacuum
or autovacuum process would be pretty conclusive ...

Author: Alexander Korotkov <akorotkov@postgresql.org>
Branch: master [fd83c83d0] 2018-12-13 06:55:34 +0300
Branch: REL_11_STABLE Release: REL_11_2 [9aa94d853] 2018-12-13 06:15:23 +0300
Branch: REL_10_STABLE Release: REL_10_7 [2e3bd064e] 2018-12-13 06:22:39 +0300

    Fix deadlock in GIN vacuum introduced by 218f51584d5

    Before 218f51584d5 if posting tree page is about to be deleted, then the whole
    posting tree is locked by LockBufferForCleanup() on root preventing all the
    concurrent inserts.  218f51584d5 reduced locking to the subtree containing
    page to be deleted.  However, due to concurrent parent split, inserter doesn't
    always holds pins on all the pages constituting path from root to the target
    leaf page.  That could cause a deadlock between GIN vacuum process and GIN
    inserter.  And we didn't find non-invasive way to fix this.

    This commit reverts VACUUM behavior to lock the whole posting tree before
    delete any page.  However, we keep another useful change by 218f51584d5: the
    tree is locked only if there are pages to be deleted.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Adrian Klaver
On 5/20/19 9:55 AM, Will Hartung wrote:
Please reply to list also.
Ccing list.
> On Sat, May 18, 2019 at 6:55 AM Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com 
> <mailto:adrian.klaver@aklaver.com>> wrote:
>     In addition to what Tim asked:
>     Is the jsonb field the only field in the table?
>     Can we see the table schema?

Did you see Tom Lane's post?

>   # \d eis_entity
>                                 Table "public.eis_entity"
>            Column           |           Type           | Collation | 
> Nullable | Default
> ---------------------------+--------------------------+-----------+----------+---------
>   eis_entity_key            | numeric                  |           | not 
> null |
>   eis_identifier_domain_key | numeric                  |           | not 
> null |
>   global_id                 | character varying(80)    |           | not 
> null |
>   local_id                  | character varying(80)    |           | not 
> null |
>   eis_status_key            | numeric                  |           | not 
> null |
>   eis_entity_type_key       | numeric                  |           | not 
> null |
>   eis_entity_domain_key     | numeric                  |           | not 
> null |
>   all_trait_hash            | numeric(10,0)            |           
> |          |
>   searchable_trait_hash     | numeric(10,0)            |           
> |          |
>   created_date              | timestamp with time zone |           
> |          |
>   traits                    | jsonb                    |           
> |          |
>   current_revision          | numeric(8,0)             |           | not 
> null |
>   current_version_label     | character varying(10)    |           | not 
> null |
> Indexes:
>      "eis_ent_traits" gin (traits jsonb_path_ops)

Adrian Klaver

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Will Hartung
I sent these earlier, but they didn’t get to the list, so I’m resending — sorry about that.

On May 17, 2019, at 7:53 PM, Tim Cross <theophilusx@gmail.com> wrote:

Which version of postgres?

 PostgreSQL 10.8 (Ubuntu 10.8-0ubuntu0.18.04.1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 7.3.0-16ubuntu3) 7.3.0, 64-bit

How are you loading the data? (application, psql, pg_restore) using
(insert, copy)?

I have a SQL file I’m using filled with statements like:

\copy eis_entity from program 'gzcat /u2/hdhdata/xxx/out1000.txt.gz';
select now();
\copy eis_entity from program 'gzcat /u2/hdhdata/xxx/out1001.txt.gz';
select now();


Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Will Hartung
I send this earlier, but it did not make it to the list, so I’m resending it.

On May 18, 2019, at 6:55 AM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com> wrote:

Is the jsonb field the only field in the table?

Can we see the table schema?

# \d eis_entity
                    Table "public.eis_entity"
          Column           |           Type           | Modifiers 
 eis_entity_key            | numeric                  | not null
 eis_identifier_domain_key | numeric                  | not null
 global_id                 | character varying(80)    | not null
 local_id                  | character varying(80)    | not null
 eis_status_key            | numeric                  | not null
 eis_entity_type_key       | numeric                  | not null
 eis_entity_domain_key     | numeric                  | not null
 all_trait_hash            | numeric(10,0)            | 
 searchable_trait_hash     | numeric(10,0)            | 
 created_date              | timestamp with time zone | 
 traits                    | jsonb                    | 
 current_revision          | numeric(8,0)             | not null
 current_version_label     | character varying(10)    | not null
    "eis_ent_traits" gin (traits jsonb_path_ops)


Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Will Hartung
I send this earlier, but it did not make it to the list, so I’m resending it.

> On May 18, 2019, at 11:02 AM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> In addition to the questions about what PG version you're using, is
> the backend process that's doing the load actually consuming CPU time,
> or is it just sitting?

It’s consuming both CPU and disk space.


Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Tom Lane
Will Hartung <willhartung@gmail.com> writes:
>> On May 18, 2019, at 11:02 AM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>> In addition to the questions about what PG version you're using, is
>> the backend process that's doing the load actually consuming CPU time,
>> or is it just sitting?

> It’s consuming both CPU and disk space.

Hmm, so not a deadlock (plus you're running a version that has that
bug fixed).  It sounds like you might have hit an actual bug, perhaps
one that causes it to endlessly re-split an index page, or something
along that line.  But it's going to be hard to find the cause without
a test case.  I don't suppose you can anonymize your data to the
point where you'd have a publishable test case?

            regards, tom lane

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Adrian Klaver
On 5/20/19 11:05 AM, Will Hartung wrote:
> I send this earlier, but it did not make it to the list, so I’m resending it.
>> On May 18, 2019, at 11:02 AM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
>> In addition to the questions about what PG version you're using, is
>> the backend process that's doing the load actually consuming CPU time,
>> or is it just sitting?
> It’s consuming both CPU and disk space.

What do the below show:

1) ps ax | grep postgres

2) As superuser:
    select * from pg_stat_activity ;
> Thanks.

Adrian Klaver

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Will Hartung
> On May 20, 2019, at 11:13 AM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com> wrote:
> What do the below show:
> 1) ps ax | grep postgres
> 2) As superuser:
>     select * from pg_stat_activity ;

I’ll restart the process and report back.


Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Will Hartung
> On May 20, 2019, at 11:12 AM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Hmm, so not a deadlock (plus you're running a version that has that
> bug fixed).  It sounds like you might have hit an actual bug, perhaps
> one that causes it to endlessly re-split an index page, or something
> along that line.  But it's going to be hard to find the cause without
> a test case.  I don't suppose you can anonymize your data to the
> point where you'd have a publishable test case?

That would take some time, thankfully it seems reproducible with a few million rows.

I’ve moved the files around a little bit (not aggressively) and it still stalled, so I don’t think it’s something
specificto the data. But we’ll have to play with it and see. 


Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Will Hartung

On May 20, 2019, at 11:13 AM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com> wrote:

What do the below show:

1) ps ax | grep postgres

$ ps -ax | grep postgres
 1171 ?        S      0:04 /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/postgres -D /var/lib/postgresql/10/main -c config_file=/etc/postgresql/10/main/postgresql.conf
 1420 ?        Ds     0:21 postgres: 10/main: checkpointer process   
 1421 ?        Ss     0:38 postgres: 10/main: writer process   
 1422 ?        Ss     0:22 postgres: 10/main: wal writer process   
 1423 ?        Ss     0:04 postgres: 10/main: autovacuum launcher process   
 1424 ?        Ss     0:04 postgres: 10/main: stats collector process   
 1425 ?        Ss     0:00 postgres: 10/main: bgworker: logical replication launcher   
15917 tty1     S      0:00 su - postgres
16300 ?        Rs    10:39 postgres: 10/main: postgres willtest COPY
16444 ?        Ss     0:08 postgres: 10/main: autovacuum worker process   willtest waiting
16633 tty1     S+     0:00 /usr/lib/postgresql/10/bin/psql
16641 ?        Ss     0:00 postgres: 10/main: postgres postgres [local] idle

2) As superuser:
select * from pg_stat_activity ;

 datid | datname  |  pid  | usesysid | usename  | application_name | client_addr | client_hostname | client_port |         backend_start         |          xact_start           |          query_start          |         state_change          | wait_event_type |     wait_event      | state  | backend_xid | backend_xmin |                 query                 |    backend_type     
       |          |  1425 |       10 | postgres |                  |             |                 |             | 2019-05-17 12:00:17.659235-07 |                               |                               |                               | Activity        | LogicalLauncherMain |        |             |              |                                       | background worker
       |          |  1423 |          |          |                  |             |                 |             | 2019-05-17 12:00:17.658936-07 |                               |                               |                               | Activity        | AutoVacuumMain      |        |             |              |                                       | autovacuum launcher
 16384 | willtest | 16444 |          |          |                  |             |                 |             | 2019-05-20 12:16:14.564982-07 | 2019-05-20 12:16:14.641913-07 | 2019-05-20 12:16:14.641913-07 | 2019-05-20 12:16:14.641914-07 | Lock            | page                | active |         624 |          623 | autovacuum: ANALYZE public.eis_entity | autovacuum worker
 13051 | postgres | 16889 |       10 | postgres | psql             |             |                 |          -1 | 2019-05-20 13:44:50.84062-07  | 2019-05-20 13:46:17.209382-07 | 2019-05-20 13:46:17.209382-07 | 2019-05-20 13:46:17.209387-07 |                 |                     | active |             |          623 | select * from pg_stat_activity;       | client backend
 16384 | willtest | 16300 |       10 | postgres | psql             | |                 |       54594 | 2019-05-20 11:24:59.865383-07 | 2019-05-20 12:15:42.494372-07 | 2019-05-20 12:15:42.494372-07 | 2019-05-20 12:15:42.494378-07 | LWLock          | WALWriteLock        | active |         623 |          612 | COPY  eis_entity FROM STDIN ;         | client backend
       |          |  1421 |          |          |                  |             |                 |             | 2019-05-17 12:00:17.557683-07 |                               |                               |                               | Activity        | BgWriterMain        |        |             |              |                                       | background writer
       |          |  1420 |          |          |                  |             |                 |             | 2019-05-17 12:00:17.557992-07 |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |                                       | checkpointer
       |          |  1422 |          |          |                  |             |                 |             | 2019-05-17 12:00:17.554268-07 |                               |                               |                               |                 |                     |        |             |              |                                       | walwriter
(8 rows)

It’s been running for about an hour and a half when I took these.

Also to note, I tried just loading the table with no indexes, and I was getting a solid 22MB/s via iostat of just raw data load (just to proof that I/O system, while certainly not extraordinary, was functional).


Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

On 5/20/19 4:14 PM, Will Hartung wrote:
> Also to note, I tried just loading the table with no indexes, and I was 
> getting a solid 22MB/s via iostat of just raw data load (just to proof 
> that I/O system, while certainly not extraordinary, was functional).

I think you answered this earlier, but does the same stalling happen when 
indexes are dropped?

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Will Hartung
> On May 20, 2019, at 2:36 PM, Ron <ronljohnsonjr@gmail.com> wrote:

> I think you answered this earlier, but does the same stalling happen when indexes are dropped?

No, the data loads fine.

The way I originally stumbled upon this was that I had off loaded the data for some other kinds of testing.

There are several indexes in production, but for my local testing, I only had one on the pk.

Then, one day, I wanted to look for something, and decided I’ll build the json index “real quick”.

Being me, it wasn’t until a few days later I’m like “why is my machine busy, what’s that grinding sound” (I rarely hear
mydrive, most work is done on SSD). 

Then I realized that the index was still being built, several days later.


And I left it again.

I was, again, not really paying attention, and didn’t realize until 2 weeks after I had started that it was STILL

At that point I killed it.

Then I decided to break the file up and load it in chunks, see “how far” it was getting, etc. It did not take long for
itto get stuck. 

I tried it on different versions of PG, now on different OS’s (albeit one is in a VM). It wasn’t a crisis, just a

But we had a scary event couple of weeks ago that may have forced us to reload the table, but, thankfully, didn’t and
werecovered. But got me to thinking about poking at it again. 

A colleague is trying to pg_restore our production DB for a conversion test to AWS Aurora, and it’s been stuck for 43
hourson 68M row loaded table. So, it’s systemic with our data, and I believe that we can not reload this table
currently.Which is scary. 

And here we are.

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

On 5/20/19 4:48 PM, Will Hartung wrote:
>> On May 20, 2019, at 2:36 PM, Ron <ronljohnsonjr@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I think you answered this earlier, but does the same stalling happen when indexes are dropped?
> No, the data loads fine.
> The way I originally stumbled upon this was that I had off loaded the data for some other kinds of testing.
> There are several indexes in production, but for my local testing, I only had one on the pk.

And it pathologically loads even when there's just a PK on the numeric field?

> Then, one day, I wanted to look for something, and decided I’ll build the json index “real quick”.
> Being me, it wasn’t until a few days later I’m like “why is my machine busy, what’s that grinding sound” (I rarely
hearmy drive, most work is done on SSD).
> Then I realized that the index was still being built, several days later.
> “Huh”
> And I left it again.
> I was, again, not really paying attention, and didn’t realize until 2 weeks after I had started that it was STILL
> At that point I killed it.
> Then I decided to break the file up and load it in chunks, see “how far” it was getting, etc. It did not take long
forit to get stuck.
> I tried it on different versions of PG, now on different OS’s (albeit one is in a VM). It wasn’t a crisis, just a
> But we had a scary event couple of weeks ago that may have forced us to reload the table, but, thankfully, didn’t and
werecovered. But got me to thinking about poking at it again.

Drop all indexes, load data, recreate indexes?

> A colleague is trying to pg_restore our production DB for a conversion test to AWS Aurora, and it’s been stuck for 43
hourson 68M row loaded table. So, it’s systemic with our data, and I believe that we can not reload this table
currently.Which is scary.

But pg_restore only creates indexes AFTER the data loads.

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Will Hartung
> On May 20, 2019, at 2:55 PM, Ron <ronljohnsonjr@gmail.com> wrote:

> And it pathologically loads even when there's just a PK on the numeric field?

Yea, that works fine.

> Drop all indexes, load data, recreate indexes?

No, I use the incremental load as it gives a much better indication when the process has gone off the deep end.

> But pg_restore only creates indexes AFTER the data loads.

Yes. Demonstrating that it doesn’t work either incrementally or all at once.

(No, I have no confidence that the Aurora build will ever finish in any reasonable amount of time.)

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

On 5/20/19 5:43 PM, Will Hartung wrote:
On May 20, 2019, at 2:55 PM, Ron <ronljohnsonjr@gmail.com> wrote:

And it pathologically loads even when there's just a PK on the numeric field?
Yea, that works fine.

Drop all indexes, load data, recreate indexes?
No, I use the incremental load as it gives a much better indication when the process has gone off the deep end.

That's fine for tracing errors in a test environment, but.

But pg_restore only creates indexes AFTER the data loads.
Yes. Demonstrating that it doesn’t work either incrementally or all at once.

(No, I have no confidence that the Aurora build will ever finish in any reasonable amount of time.)

I'm confused.  You wrote above that loading without indexes and with just the PK works just fine; if you really need it loaded in Aurora or production, just drop the indexes beforehand?

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Adrian Klaver
On 5/20/19 3:43 PM, Will Hartung wrote:
>> On May 20, 2019, at 2:55 PM, Ron <ronljohnsonjr@gmail.com> wrote:
>> And it pathologically loads even when there's just a PK on the numeric field?
> Yea, that works fine.
>> Drop all indexes, load data, recreate indexes?
> No, I use the incremental load as it gives a much better indication when the process has gone off the deep end.
>> But pg_restore only creates indexes AFTER the data loads.
> Yes. Demonstrating that it doesn’t work either incrementally or all at once.

So the issue is building the index(s) not loading the data, correct?

> (No, I have no confidence that the Aurora build will ever finish in any reasonable amount of time.)

Adrian Klaver

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Will Hartung

On May 20, 2019, at 4:39 PM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com> wrote:

So the issue is building the index(s) not loading the data, correct?


Since I have been exploring this, I have not been able to successfully create a gin jsonb_path_ops index on a jsonb field either as a new index on a table with existing data, or as a pre-existing index on an empty table and loading the data in.

The create index does not finish on the existing data, and loading data does not finish when the index pre-exists.

We currently have a 68M row table loaded in an Aurora instance on AWS (I do not know the instance/machine size), and the index has been building for 48 hours now.

The pg_restore is currently working on that index:

CREATE INDEX eis_ent_traits
  ON public.eis_entity
  USING gin
  (traits jsonb_path_ops);

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Will Hartung

On May 20, 2019, at 4:27 PM, Ron <ronljohnsonjr@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm confused.  You wrote above that loading without indexes and with just the PK works just fine; if you really need it loaded in Aurora or production, just drop the indexes beforehand?

Because the jsonb_path_ops index does not rebuild, and it’s the heart of that table.

The table is essentially worthless without that index to us.

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Adrian Klaver
On 5/20/19 4:49 PM, Will Hartung wrote:
>> On May 20, 2019, at 4:39 PM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com 
>> <mailto:adrian.klaver@aklaver.com>> wrote:
>> So the issue is building the index(s) not loading the data, correct?
> Correct.
> Since I have been exploring this, I have not been able to successfully 
> create a gin jsonb_path_ops index on a jsonb field either as a new index 
> on a table with existing data, or as a pre-existing index on an empty 
> table and loading the data in.
> The create index does not finish on the existing data, and loading data 
> does not finish when the index pre-exists.

Well looks like you are down to Tom's suggestion of creating a test 
case. Given that it seems confined to the jsonb field and corresponding 
index, I would think that is all that is needed for the test case. Start 
with some smaller subset, say 10,000 rows and work up till you start 
seeing an issue.

> We currently have a 68M row table loaded in an Aurora instance on AWS (I 
> do not know the instance/machine size), and the index has been building 
> for 48 hours now.
> The pg_restore is currently working on that index:
> CREATE INDEX eis_ent_traits
>    ON public.eis_entity
>    USING gin
>    (traits jsonb_path_ops);

Adrian Klaver

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

On 5/20/19 6:51 PM, Will Hartung wrote:
On May 20, 2019, at 4:27 PM, Ron <ronljohnsonjr@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm confused.  You wrote above that loading without indexes and with just the PK works just fine; if you really need it loaded in Aurora or production, just drop the indexes beforehand?

Because the jsonb_path_ops index does not rebuild, and it’s the heart of that table.

The table is essentially worthless without that index to us.


Are there a sufficiently small number of elements in each traits object that you can do something like this, on the UNINDEXED table?
SELECT traits->element1, traits->element2, count(*)
from eis_entry
group by traits->element1, traits->element2;

Sure it would run for a long time, but might show you where the problem lies.

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Will Hartung
> On May 20, 2019, at 5:15 PM, Ron <ronljohnsonjr@gmail.com> wrote:
> Are there a sufficiently small number of elements in each traits object that you can do something like this, on the
> SELECT traits->element1, traits->element2, count(*)
> from eis_entry
> group by traits->element1, traits->element2;
> Sure it would run for a long time, but might show you where the problem lies.

I don’t quite understand what you’re trying to achieve here. Is the intent essentially to access each individual
elementwithin the json on the select statement? There’s at least 50 elements in this thing, and the structure is not
flat,nor is it static and consistent. Similar, sure. Perfectly congruent, no. 

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Will Hartung
> On May 20, 2019, at 5:14 PM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com> wrote:
> Well looks like you are down to Tom's suggestion of creating a test case. Given that it seems confined to the jsonb
fieldand corresponding index, I would think that is all that is needed for the test case. Start with some smaller
subset,say 10,000 rows and work up till you start seeing an issue. 

This will take quite some work, and I wouldn’t attempt it with less than 5M rows to load.

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Tom Lane
Will Hartung <willhartung@gmail.com> writes:
>> On May 20, 2019, at 5:14 PM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com> wrote:
>> Well looks like you are down to Tom's suggestion of creating a test case. Given that it seems confined to the jsonb
fieldand corresponding index, I would think that is all that is needed for the test case. Start with some smaller
subset,say 10,000 rows and work up till you start seeing an issue. 

> This will take quite some work, and I wouldn’t attempt it with less than 5M rows to load.

Well, you're the only one who's seen this problem, and none of the
rest of us have any idea how to reproduce it.  So if you want something
to get done in a timely fashion, it's up to you to show us a test case.

My guess is that it wouldn't be that hard to anonymize your data to
the point where it'd be OK to show to someone else.  It's unlikely
that the problem depends on the *exact* data you've got --- though it
might depend on string lengths and the number/locations of duplicates.
But you should be able to substitute random strings for the original
values while preserving that.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Adrian Klaver
On 5/20/19 5:22 PM, Will Hartung wrote:
>> On May 20, 2019, at 5:14 PM, Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com> wrote:
>> Well looks like you are down to Tom's suggestion of creating a test case. Given that it seems confined to the jsonb
fieldand corresponding index, I would think that is all that is needed for the test case. Start with some smaller
subset,say 10,000 rows and work up till you start seeing an issue.
> This will take quite some work, and I wouldn’t attempt it with less than 5M rows to load.

 From this post:

You started seeing longer times by the time you got to 500,000 rows and 
then it fell off by 1.1 million.

Creating the data:

CREATE TABLE AS gin_test SELECT traits FROM eis_entity LIMIT 1000000;


pg_dump -t gin_test


Adrian Klaver

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Adrian Klaver
On 5/20/19 5:33 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On 5/20/19 5:22 PM, Will Hartung wrote:
>>> On May 20, 2019, at 5:14 PM, Adrian Klaver 
>>> <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com> wrote:
>>> Well looks like you are down to Tom's suggestion of creating a test 
>>> case. Given that it seems confined to the jsonb field and 
>>> corresponding index, I would think that is all that is needed for the 
>>> test case. Start with some smaller subset, say 10,000 rows and work 
>>> up till you start seeing an issue.
>> This will take quite some work, and I wouldn’t attempt it with less 
>> than 5M rows to load.
>  From this post:
> https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAKMEDdxE95SC76wadMzrH454HpvCV4tOdEmuZRO%3DpwArEw6YVg%40mail.gmail.com 
> You started seeing longer times by the time you got to 500,000 rows and 
> then it fell off by 1.1 million.
> Creating the data:
> CREATE TABLE AS gin_test SELECT traits FROM eis_entity LIMIT 1000000;


CREATE TABLE gin_test AS SELECT traits FROM eis_entity LIMIT 1000000;

> Then:
> pg_dump -t gin_test

Adrian Klaver

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

On 5/20/19 7:21 PM, Will Hartung wrote:
>> On May 20, 2019, at 5:15 PM, Ron <ronljohnsonjr@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Are there a sufficiently small number of elements in each traits object that you can do something like this, on the
>> SELECT traits->element1, traits->element2, count(*)
>> from eis_entry
>> group by traits->element1, traits->element2;
>> Sure it would run for a long time, but might show you where the problem lies.
> I don’t quite understand what you’re trying to achieve here. Is the intent essentially to access each individual
elementwithin the json on the select statement? There’s at least 50 elements in this thing,

Like I said earlier... "Are there a sufficiently small number of elements in 
each traits object...?"  But obviously there aren't.

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

Re: Loading table with indexed jsonb field is stalling

Will Hartung
> On May 20, 2019, at 5:31 PM, Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Well, you're the only one who's seen this problem, and none of the
> rest of us have any idea how to reproduce it.  So if you want something
> to get done in a timely fashion, it's up to you to show us a test case.

So, we had success.

We looked in to maintenance_work_mem.

By default, this value is 64MB.

Our test on AWS was against a small machine, 2 CPU, 16G.

My VM is however many cores it gets (not that it matters) and 4G of RAM.

My VM used the 64MB value for maintenance_work_mem. The AWS small VM used 247M.

We killed the rebuild on the small machine, it was pushing 67 hours.

I was running a load on my machine, and it was still making progress over night, but was at, like 17 hours. But it was
moving,but had only loaded 2.2M rows in that time. 

We grabbed one of the huge AWS instances. 64 CPU, 488G of ram. Just, silly.

But, that’s fine — I’m good with silly.

It’s mainteance_work_mem was ~8G.

And we loaded all of my files on that instance in about 5.5 hours, about 9M rows per hour.

So, obviously, maintenance_work_mem was the smoking gun. Since I don’t know the details of GIN indexing, its not clear
tome how the maintenance_work_mem is utilized with GIN index builds, but, obviously 64M is “not enough”, nor is 247M.
And8G is certainly enough. 

We’re cautious just setting these values “to 11” because of the fact that multiple connections can utilize them, so it
seemsto me that it’s important that they be “generous enough”, but not overly generous. 

So this is good news, no bug, and, perhaps, left to its own devices, the DB would have eventually built this index.
Whetherit would have done so before universal heat death, is a different question. 

Can anyone discuss how the maintenance_work_mem is utilized during GIN index creation? On our production systems, this
valueis set to 1G. And we don’t seem to have any problems for day to day work. This is a very busy table, and we have
thousandsof inserts/updates daily which seem to proceed well enough. I have not tried to rebuild this index on this
system,so I can’t say if 1G is enough to rebuild this index efficiently or not. But its efficient enough for our

Now, that said, should I ever be in that situation of having to recover this table like this, I’d have no problem
crankingthat value up high since it would be the only real connection on the system anyway. 

But I’m still curious how the memory is utilized during index builds just to have a better understanding of the nuances
ofthe system. 

Thanks all for your help.