Обсуждение: json on child table or not


json on child table or not

I have a table with lots of updates in a json field and few updates on other
fields. On that table I have several indices and it is main table of other
lots of child tables.
When querying this table I always do a lateral join with that json field, so
having that field on a separate table wouldn´t be a problem.

Then, for auto vacuum, for indices, for fillfactor and some other reasons,
is it better to have that json on a child table in a 1 to 1 relation ?

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Re: json on child table or not

Michael Lewis
How big does the data stored in that field get? More than 2KB? Real question- is it getting stored plain, compressed inline, or toasted? Have you set the storage strategy/type, or is it the "extended" default behavior that compresses and then stores in the toast table if still more than 2000 bytes?

Always joining on a field that is toasted and compressed is going to be considerably slower than a discrete field. Do you have an index (or several) on the json field values? Also, are we actually talking about jsonb?

Re: json on child table or not

Yes, they are jsonb.
Their length varies between 400 and 2.000 chars, when using
pg_column_size(jsonb field). When casting to text it goes to 1.800 to 3.500
of length.
I didn´t set any storage strategie for that table or field. It´s defined as
x for storage.
No, I don´t have any index on that field.

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