Обсуждение: Postgers 9.3 - ubuntu 16.04 - Are clogs entires automaticallydeleted?


Postgers 9.3 - ubuntu 16.04 - Are clogs entires automaticallydeleted?

Cumer Cristiano
Hi List,

Today I wanted to dump a database but pg_dump is complaining about missing clog files.
I’m quite sure that nobody has deleted the files and that my filesystem is consistent.

If I look in my clog directory I can see the files starting from 0013. The first ones are missing. I have checked the
backupsof a month ago and there I can see previous clog files, 0010,0011. I don’t have older backups.

So…. Is there a bug that delete clogs files even when they are still in use?


Re: Postgers 9.3 - ubuntu 16.04 - Are clogs entires automatically deleted?

Luca Ferrari
On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 10:34 AM Cumer Cristiano
<CristianoMaria.Cumer@unibz.it> wrote:
> Today I wanted to dump a database but pg_dump is complaining about missing clog files.
> I’m quite sure that nobody has deleted the files and that my filesystem is consistent.
> If I look in my clog directory I can see the files starting from 0013. The first ones are missing. I have checked the
backupsof a month ago and there I can see previous clog files, 0010,0011. I don’t have older backups. 

Uhm.. 9.3 is in end of life, ubuntu 16.04 refers to three years ago
and is approaching the extends security releases only, that is it
looks a little ancient combination.
I suspect pg_dump will provide you with an hint about which particular
object is causing it to fail, in the case I suggest to backup
everything except such object. At least you will have something backed
Any chance your disk was full and something nasty happened?


Re: Postgers 9.3 - ubuntu 16.04 - Are clogs entires automaticallydeleted?

Adrian Klaver
On 7/18/19 1:34 AM, Cumer Cristiano wrote:
> Hi List,
> Today I wanted to dump a database but pg_dump is complaining about missing clog files.
> I’m quite sure that nobody has deleted the files and that my filesystem is consistent.

What is the exact message you get?

What is the full version of Postgres, for example 9.3.x?

> If I look in my clog directory I can see the files starting from 0013. The first ones are missing. I have checked the
backupsof a month ago and there I can see previous clog files, 0010,0011. I don’t have older backups.
> So…. Is there a bug that delete clogs files even when they are still in use?
> Cristiano

Adrian Klaver