Обсуждение: Posible off topic ? pgmodeler


Posible off topic ? pgmodeler


Some very helpful folks pointed me to pgmodeler recently.

I realize this list may not be the appropriate forum for discussing this, and
would welcome pointers to a more appropriate forum.

Having said that, this discussion may be a bit more generic.

I have seen a number of open source products (Amanda is a good example), where a
company sort of "takes over" the project, the company's bossiness plan is generally
that of making money on support. Most of these companies have a community edition,
which trails development of the product with their enhancements. U understand
that this model is acceptable to GPL licensed software.

The company supporting pgmodeler seems to have a different model. It looks like
they provide a version of the tool that requires a license key, with limited life

What I am trying to do, at the moment is get a complete understanding of their
bossiness model, regarding the source code for this project.

Thanks for any input on this.

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
                        -- Benjamin Franklin

Re: Posible off topic ? pgmodeler

Susan Hurst
Hi Stan!

Don't know if you're interested in pgmodeler specifically or database 
modelers in general.  At work, we use postgresql a lot and have found 
that DBeaver, which is open source, does a decent job of creating ERD 
diagrams.  Personally, I don't like using DBeaver's interface for 
executing SQL statements but some of its other features are nice.


Susan E Hurst
Principal Consultant
Brookhurst Data LLC
Email: susan.hurst@brookhurstdata.com
Mobile: 314-486-3261

On 2019-09-02 12:31, stan wrote:
> Some very helpful folks pointed me to pgmodeler recently.
> I realize this list may not be the appropriate forum for discussing 
> this, and
> would welcome pointers to a more appropriate forum.
> Having said that, this discussion may be a bit more generic.
> I have seen a number of open source products (Amanda is a good 
> example), where a
> company sort of "takes over" the project, the company's bossiness plan
> is generally
> that of making money on support. Most of these companies have a
> community edition,
> which trails development of the product with their enhancements. U 
> understand
> that this model is acceptable to GPL licensed software.
> The company supporting pgmodeler seems to have a different model. It 
> looks like
> they provide a version of the tool that requires a license key, with
> limited life
> span.
> What I am trying to do, at the moment is get a complete understanding 
> of their
> bossiness model, regarding the source code for this project.
> Thanks for any input on this.

Re: Posible off topic ? pgmodeler

Thiemo Kellner
Quoting stan <stanb@panix.com>:

> What I am trying to do, at the moment is get a complete
> understanding of their
> bossiness model, regarding the source code for this project.
> Thanks for any input on this.

To the best of my knowledge Raphael tries to fund its time on the
development of pgmodeler with selling access keys to the binary
package he distributes. https://pgmodeler.io/download states

"Purchase an access key and support this project. Pay using PayPal™ or
Bitcoins and enjoy ready-to-use packages."

However, being versioned on github you could compile it yourself any
time and I suppose at least major Linux distributions provide a
package of a more or less recent version of it. Ubuntu does anyway. I
am not aware of an other binary distributor but Raphael for Windows or
Mac, but then again those are not my turf.

Kind regards Thiemo

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