Обсуждение: backing up the data from a single table?


backing up the data from a single table?

My development methodology is to create scripts that init the db, and load
test data, as I make changes.

Now, I am starting to move toward a test instance with real data. The end
user has provided "real" test data, n spreadsheets. I have the inputing of
data from these working OK. (takes a bit of hand work). What I would like
to do, is  continue to init the "test" database. To make that easy, I would
like to be able to "export" individual tables, so I can use the scripts to
reload them. I prefer not to have to convert these to my load script

Is there a way to "export" a single table, that can be easily re

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
                        -- Benjamin Franklin

Re: backing up the data from a single table?

Ray O'Donnell
On 13/09/2019 15:13, stan wrote:
> My development methodology is to create scripts that init the db, and load
> test data, as I make changes.
> Now, I am starting to move toward a test instance with real data. The end
> user has provided "real" test data, n spreadsheets. I have the inputing of
> data from these working OK. (takes a bit of hand work). What I would like
> to do, is  continue to init the "test" database. To make that easy, I would
> like to be able to "export" individual tables, so I can use the scripts to
> reload them. I prefer not to have to convert these to my load script
> format.
> Is there a way to "export" a single table, that can be easily re
> "imported"?

Yes, absolutely:

   pg_dump -t <table-name> (etc)


Raymond O'Donnell // Galway // Ireland

Re: backing up the data from a single table?

On 9/13/19 9:13 AM, stan wrote:
> My development methodology is to create scripts that init the db, and load
> test data, as I make changes.
> Now, I am starting to move toward a test instance with real data. The end
> user has provided "real" test data, n spreadsheets. I have the inputing of
> data from these working OK. (takes a bit of hand work). What I would like
> to do, is  continue to init the "test" database. To make that easy, I would
> like to be able to "export" individual tables, so I can use the scripts to
> reload them. I prefer not to have to convert these to my load script
> format.
> Is there a way to "export" a single table, that can be easily re
> "imported"?

The COPY command is what you want.


Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

Re: backing up the data from a single table?

Hans Schou
On Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 4:14 PM stan <stanb@panix.com> wrote:
Is there a way to "export" a single table, that can be easily re


pg_dump --table=foo > foo.sql


cat foo.sql | psql

Re: backing up the data from a single table?

Olivier Gautherot
Hi Stan,

El vie., 13 de septiembre de 2019 11:14, stan <stanb@panix.com> escribió:
My development methodology is to create scripts that init the db, and load
test data, as I make changes.

Now, I am starting to move toward a test instance with real data. The end
user has provided "real" test data, n spreadsheets. I have the inputing of
data from these working OK. (takes a bit of hand work). What I would like
to do, is  continue to init the "test" database. To make that easy, I would
like to be able to "export" individual tables, so I can use the scripts to
reload them. I prefer not to have to convert these to my load script

Is there a way to "export" a single table, that can be easily re

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
                                                -- Benjamin Franklin

It may be a strange suggestion but did you consider containers like Docker? It's been a great help on a 100GB+ test database. Successful changes were committed, failed changes were rolled back creating a new instance based on the same image (with data preloaded). It takes seconds to do a rollback.
