Обсуждение: Senior PostgreSQL Architect - EnterpriseDB


Senior PostgreSQL Architect - EnterpriseDB

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB (EDB) is a privately-owned, fast-growing, global
organization. As the Enterprise Postgres Company, we deliver an open
source-based data management platform based on PostgreSQL, optimized
for greater scalability, security, and reliability.

EDB is seeking a Senior PostgreSQL Architect to join our development
team. This position is primarily focused on working with and in the
PostgreSQL community, but also provides the opportunity to collaborate
with an extremely talented group of engineers at a growing company.

This position involves:

- Researching and implementing new PostgreSQL features.
- Fixing bugs in PostgreSQL (especially your own).
- Reviewing code contributions to PostgreSQL by both EDB and non-EDB
- Suggesting new areas of research and development that could help to
PostgreSQL to meet EDB customer needs.
- Occasional assistance with complex support cases.

We are looking for a seasoned professional with the following skill set:

- Ability to write code implementing complex PostgreSQL features and
bring that code to a committable state with little to no supervision.
- Previous participation in the PostgreSQL development process and
comfort working regularly in that environment.
- Detailed understanding of database internals topics, especially with
regard to PostgreSQL
- Excellent communication skills, both verbally and in writing.
- A high level of comfort with remote work, including proactive use of
IM and voice chat as daily tools for collaboration.
- Previous remote work experience is a plus.
- Excellent attention to detail and a passion for getting things right.

The position will report to the Chief Database Scientist. This is a
"work from anywhere" position involving very limited travel, primarily
for conferences and occasional meetings.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company