Обсуждение: Query which shows FK child columns?


Query which shows FK child columns?


I have a query which shows the parents and children in FK relations, along 
with the parent column name, but can't seem to find the child column names.

Is there a way to find the child column names without having to dig into 


test=# select ccu.table_schema||'.'||ccu.table_name as parent_table,
test-#        ccu.column_name as parent_column,
test-#        tc.table_schema||'.'||tc.table_name as child_table,
test-# ccu.constraint_schema||'.'||ccu.constraint_name as con_name
test-# from information_schema.table_constraints tc,
test-#      information_schema.constraint_column_usage ccu
test-# where tc.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'
test-#   and tc.constraint_schema = ccu.constraint_schema
test-#   and tc.constraint_name = ccu.constraint_name
test-# order by parent_table, child_table, ccu.column_name
test-# ;
     parent_table     | parent_column | child_table     |              con_name
  public.inventory    | inv_id        | public.sales_detail | 
  public.sales_header | parent_id     | public.sales_detail | 
(2 rows)

test=# \d inventory
              Table "public.inventory"
    Column    |          Type          | Modifiers
  inv_id      | integer                | not null
  description | character varying(255) |
     "inventory_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (inv_id)
Referenced by:
     TABLE "sales_detail" CONSTRAINT "sales_detail_sd_inv_id_fkey" FOREIGN 
KEY (sd_inv_id) REFERENCES inventory(inv_id)

test=# \d sales_header
    Table "public.sales_header"
   Column   |  Type   | Modifiers
  parent_id | integer | not null
     "sales_header_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (parent_id)
Referenced by:
     TABLE "sales_detail" CONSTRAINT "sales_detail_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY 
(child_id) REFERENCES sales_header(parent_id)

test=# \d sales_detail
    Table "public.sales_detail"
   Column   |  Type   | Modifiers
  child_id  | integer | not null
  seq       | integer | not null
  sd_inv_id | integer |
     "sales_detail_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (child_id, seq)
Foreign-key constraints:
     "sales_detail_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (child_id) REFERENCES 
     "sales_detail_sd_inv_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (sd_inv_id) REFERENCES 

Angular momentum makes the world go 'round.

Re: Query which shows FK child columns?

Jeff Ross
On 11/14/19 11:49 AM, Ron wrote:

I have a query which shows the parents and children in FK relations, along with the parent column name, but can't seem to find the child column names.

Is there a way to find the child column names without having to dig into pg_constraint?


I do not think you can do this without using pg_constraint.

I've been using this function to display those FKs.  The original code isn't mine but as I recall I had to tweak it a little.

This is on 10 and I can't remember if this was used on 9.6 but I'd be surprised if any of this won't work on 9.6.

client@cargotel_dev> \sf cargotel_common.show_foreign_keys(text)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cargotel_common.show_foreign_keys(tablename text)
 RETURNS TABLE(table1 text, column1 text, type text, table2 text, column2 text)
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
        schemaname text;
        select into schemaname current_schema();
        return query
        execute format('
            conrelid::regclass::text as table1,
            a.attname::text as column1,
            t.typname::text as type,
            confrelid::regclass::text as table2,
            af.attname::text as column2
            pg_attribute af,
            pg_attribute a,
            pg_type t,
                    conkey[i] as conkey,
                    confkey[i] as confkey
                from (
                        generate_series(1,array_upper(conkey,1)) as i
                    where contype = ''f''
                ss) ss2
            af.attnum = confkey and
            af.attrelid = confrelid and
            a.attnum = conkey and
            a.attrelid = conrelid and
            a.atttypid = t.oid and
            confrelid::regclass = ''%I.%I''::regclass
         order by 1,2;',schemaname,tablename);

I use column headings "table 1, column1, table2, column2" but It's easy enough to tweak the column labels.


client@cargotel_dev> \d+ ref_acct_cache
                                                 Table "client.ref_acct_cache"
 Column │  Type   │ Collation │ Nullable │                  Default                   │ Storage  │ Stats target │ Description
 id     │ integer │           │ not null │ nextval('ref_acct_cache_id_seq'::regclass) │ plain    │              │
 descr  │ text    │           │          │                                            │ extended │              │
    "ref_acct_cache_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "acct_cache" CONSTRAINT "acct_cache_type_id_ref_acct_cache_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (type_id) REFERENCES ref_acct_cache(id)

client@cargotel_dev> select * from cargotel_common.show_foreign_keys('ref_acct_cache');
   table1   │ column1 │ type │     table2     │ column2
 acct_cache │ type_id │ int4 │ ref_acct_cache │ id
(1 row)

client@cargotel_dev> \d+ acct_cache
                                                             Table "client.acct_cache"
    Column     │           Type           │ Collation │ Nullable │                Default                 │ Storage  │ Stats target │ Description
 id            │ integer                  │           │ not null │ nextval('acct_cache_id_seq'::regclass) │ plain    │              │
 type_id       │ integer                  │           │          │                                        │ plain    │              │
 prefix        │ text                     │           │          │                                        │ extended │              │
 data          │ text                     │           │          │                                        │ extended │              │
 amount        │ numeric                  │           │          │                                        │ main     │              │
 timestamp     │ timestamp with time zone │           │          │                                        │ plain    │              │
 check_number  │ text                     │           │          │                                        │ extended │              │
 client_number │ text                     │           │          │                                        │ extended │              │
 check_date    │ date                     │           │          │                                        │ plain    │              │
    "acct_cache_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "acct_cache_prefix_type_id_data_idx" btree (prefix, type_id, data)
    "acct_cache_type_id_idx" btree (type_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "acct_cache_type_id_ref_acct_cache_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (type_id) REFERENCES ref_acct_cache(id)
Referenced by:
    TABLE "load_trx" CONSTRAINT "load_trx_ar_voucher_id_acct_cache_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (ar_voucher_id) REFERENCES acct_cache(id)
    TABLE "loadacct_link" CONSTRAINT "loadacct_link_acct_cache_id_acct_cache_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (acct_cache_id) REFERENCES acct_cache(id)
    TABLE "qb_invoice_incomplete" CONSTRAINT "qb_invoice_incomplete_acct_cache_id_acct_cache_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (acct_cache_id) REFERENCES acct_cache(id)
    TABLE "qb_payment_log" CONSTRAINT "qb_payment_log_acct_cache_id_acct_cache_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY (acct_cache_id) REFERENCES acct_cache(id)

And as a bonus:

client@cargotel_dev> select * from cargotel_common.show_foreign_keys('acct_cache');
        table1         │    column1    │ type │   table2   │ column2
 loadacct_link         │ acct_cache_id │ int4 │ acct_cache │ id
 load_trx              │ ar_voucher_id │ int4 │ acct_cache │ id
 qb_invoice_incomplete │ acct_cache_id │ int4 │ acct_cache │ id
 qb_payment_log        │ acct_cache_id │ int4 │ acct_cache │ id
(4 rows)

Hope that helps!


Re: Query which shows FK child columns?

Tom Lane
Jeff Ross <jross@openvistas.net> writes:
> On 11/14/19 11:49 AM, Ron wrote:
>> I have a query which shows the parents and children in FK relations,
>> along with the parent column name, but can't seem to find the child
>> column names.
>> Is there a way to find the child column names without having to dig
>> into pg_constraint?

> I do not think you can do this without using pg_constraint.

In principle, you can get useful information out of a join
of information_schema.referential_constraints and
information_schema.key_column_usage, but I think the only appeal
that would have is (theoretical) portability to other DBMSes.
It'd likely be horribly slow in any nontrivial database, because
the information_schema views really don't map very well onto
the Postgres catalogs, so the view definitions are overcomplicated
already ... and then you gotta join them to get what you want.

Aside from manual queries of pg_constraint, you might find it
useful to do what psql and pg_dump do, namely use one of the
built-in functions that reconstruct the text form of some SQL
entity.  In this case pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(oid)
might serve.

For example, in a database containing only

d1=# create table pk(a int, b int, primary key(a,b));
d1=# create table fk(x int, y int, foreign key (x,y) references pk);

I get

d1=# table information_schema.referential_constraints;
 constraint_catalog | constraint_schema | constraint_name | unique_constraint_catalog | unique_constraint_schema |
unique_constraint_name| match_option | update_rule | delete_rule  

 d1                 | public            | fk_x_y_fkey     | d1                        | public                   |
pk_pkey               | NONE         | NO ACTION   | NO ACTION 
(1 row)

d1=# table information_schema.key_column_usage;
 constraint_catalog | constraint_schema | constraint_name | table_catalog | table_schema | table_name | column_name |
ordinal_position| position_in_unique_constraint  

 d1                 | public            | pk_pkey         | d1            | public       | pk         | a           |
            1 |                               
 d1                 | public            | pk_pkey         | d1            | public       | pk         | b           |
            2 |                               
 d1                 | public            | fk_x_y_fkey     | d1            | public       | fk         | x           |
            1 |                             1 
 d1                 | public            | fk_x_y_fkey     | d1            | public       | fk         | y           |
            2 |                             2 
(4 rows)

so something could be made out of that, but not without some work to
link up the FK and unique constraints.  Meanwhile

d1=# select conname, conrelid::regclass, pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(oid) from pg_constraint;
           conname            | conrelid |                                        pg_get_constraintdef

 cardinal_number_domain_check | -        | CHECK ((VALUE >= 0))
 yes_or_no_check              | -        | CHECK (((VALUE)::text = ANY ((ARRAY['YES'::character varying,
 pk_pkey                      | pk       | PRIMARY KEY (a, b)
 fk_x_y_fkey                  | fk       | FOREIGN KEY (x, y) REFERENCES pk(a, b)
(4 rows)

(Those first two CHECK constraints seem to belong to domains defined in
the information_schema itself.)

Of course, if what you need is something that can be programmatically
analyzed, these text forms aren't too helpful --- but if you just
want to see what the constraints are, then this is a good way.

            regards, tom lane