Обсуждение: shared memory size during upgrade pgsql with partitions


shared memory size during upgrade pgsql with partitions

Piotr Włodarczyk

Currently we're working on PSQL 11.5 and we're trying upgrade to 12.1.

During that we have a problem:

command: "/usr/pgsql-12/bin/pg_dump" --host /cluster/postgresql --port 50432
--username postgres --schema-only --quote-all-identifiers --binary-upgrade
--format=custom  --file="pg_upgrade_dump_281535902.custom" 'dbname=sprint'
>> "pg_upgrade_dump_281535902.log" 2>&1
pg_dump: error: query failed: ERROR:  out of shared memory
HINT:  You might need to increase max_locks_per_transaction.
pg_dump: error: query was: LOCK TABLE
"some_schemaa"."table_part_80000000_2018q3" IN ACCESS SHARE MODE

On current instance we have about one thousand of partitions, partitioned in
two levels: first by id_product, and second level by quarter of the year, as
you can see on above log.

How have we to calculate shared memory, and (eventually
max_locks_per_transaction) to be fit to the limits during upgrade?


Re: shared memory size during upgrade pgsql with partitions(max_locks_per_transaction)

Justin Pryzby
On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 08:03:41PM +0000, Piotr Włodarczyk wrote:
> Currently we're working on PSQL 11.5 and we're trying upgrade to 12.1.
> During that we have a problem:
> command: "/usr/pgsql-12/bin/pg_dump" --host /cluster/postgresql --port 50432
> --username postgres --schema-only --quote-all-identifiers --binary-upgrade
> --format=custom  --file="pg_upgrade_dump_281535902.custom" 'dbname=sprint'
> >> "pg_upgrade_dump_281535902.log" 2>&1
> pg_dump: error: query failed: ERROR:  out of shared memory
> HINT:  You might need to increase max_locks_per_transaction.
> pg_dump: error: query was: LOCK TABLE
> "some_schemaa"."table_part_80000000_2018q3" IN ACCESS SHARE MODE
> On current instance we have about one thousand of partitions, partitioned in
> two levels: first by id_product, and second level by quarter of the year, as
> you can see on above log.
> How have we to calculate shared memory, and (eventually
> max_locks_per_transaction) to be fit to the limits during upgrade? 

Great question.  Clearly, if you can run that (or similar) pg_dump command,
then you can pg_upgrade.  I think you could also do pg_upgrade --check,

The query looks like
        FROM pg_class c...
        WHERE c.relkind in ('%c', '%c', '%c', '%c', '%c', '%c', '%c') "

..and then does:

                if (tblinfo[i].dobj.dump &&
                        (tblinfo[i].relkind == RELKIND_RELATION ||
                         tblinfo->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) &&
                        (tblinfo[i].dobj.dump & DUMP_COMPONENTS_REQUIRING_LOCK))
                                                          "LOCK TABLE %s IN ACCESS SHARE MODE",
                        ExecuteSqlStatement(fout, query->data);

..then filters by -N/-n/-t/-T (which doesn't apply to pg_upgrade):
                        selectDumpableTable(&tblinfo[i], fout);

So it looks like COUNT(1) FROM pg_class WHERE relkind IN ('r','p') should do it.

But actually, during pg_upgrade, since nothing else is running, you actually
have max_connections*max_locks_per_transaction total locks.

Said differently, I think you could set max_locks_per_transaction to:
SELECT (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM pg_class WHERE relkind IN ('r','p'))/current_setting('max_connections')::int;

..probably with a fudge factor of +10 for any system process (and due to
integer truncation).

Someone might say that pg_upgrade or pg_dump could check for that specifically..
