Обсуждение: Very outdated comments in heapam_index_build_range_scan.


Very outdated comments in heapam_index_build_range_scan.

Andres Freund

heapam_index_build_range_scan() has the following, long standing,

         * When dealing with a HOT-chain of updated tuples, we want to index
         * the values of the live tuple (if any), but index it under the TID
         * of the chain's root tuple.  This approach is necessary to preserve
         * the HOT-chain structure in the heap. So we need to be able to find
         * the root item offset for every tuple that's in a HOT-chain.  When
         * first reaching a new page of the relation, call
         * heap_get_root_tuples() to build a map of root item offsets on the
         * page.
         * It might look unsafe to use this information across buffer
         * lock/unlock.  However, we hold ShareLock on the table so no
         * ordinary insert/update/delete should occur; and we hold pin on the
         * buffer continuously while visiting the page, so no pruning
         * operation can occur either.
         * Also, although our opinions about tuple liveness could change while
         * we scan the page (due to concurrent transaction commits/aborts),
         * the chain root locations won't, so this info doesn't need to be
         * rebuilt after waiting for another transaction.
         * Note the implied assumption that there is no more than one live
         * tuple per HOT-chain --- else we could create more than one index
         * entry pointing to the same root tuple.

I don't think the second paragraph has been true for a *long* time. At
least since CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY was introduced.

There's also:
             * We could possibly get away with not locking the buffer here,
             * since caller should hold ShareLock on the relation, but let's
             * be conservative about it.  (This remark is still correct even
             * with HOT-pruning: our pin on the buffer prevents pruning.)
            LockBuffer(hscan->rs_cbuf, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE);

                     * Since caller should hold ShareLock or better, normally
                     * the only way to see this is if it was inserted earlier
                     * in our own transaction.  However, it can happen in
                     * system catalogs, since we tend to release write lock
                     * before commit there.  Give a warning if neither case
                     * applies.


Andres Freund