Обсуждение: plphyton function - return each list value as a row ?


plphyton function - return each list value as a row ?

Hi All,
I am trying to create my first plphyton function ( retrieving earthquake
data from an API) .
Overall I was able to get one single row to be returned, but am struggling
how to return the entire list I have as multiple rows - see below. Currently
I get the following error when running the GetEartquakeAll function:

select GetEartquakeAll('2020-01-01' ,'2020-03-01', -120, 40,200, 1.7)
gives me
ERROR: length of returned sequence did not match number of columns in row

How can I 'simply' return each list value as a row ? 
Karsten Vennemann
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetEartquakeAll(start date ,stop date, lon float,
lat float,radius int, minmagnitude float) RETURNS equake_values AS $$
  import urllib2
  import json as json
  data =
itude=%s&orderby=magnitude' % (start,stop,lat,lon,radius,minmagnitude))
  js_data = json.load(data)
  equake = js_data
  equakearray = []
  a = 0
  for i in equake['features']:
    equakeplace = i['properties']['place'] # tile for earthquake location
    magnitude =   i['properties']['mag']
    qlong =       i['geometry']['coordinates'][0]
    qlat =        i['geometry']['coordinates'][1]      
    equakevalue = {"place": equakeplace, "magnitude": magnitude , "qlong":
qlong, "qlat": qlat}
    a = a+1
  return equakearray
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; 
# create custom data type that is returned from equake  data API query
CREATE TYPE equake_values AS ( 
  place text,
  magnitude float,
  qlong  float,
  qlat  float

Re: plphyton function - return each list value as a row ?

"David G. Johnston"
On Saturday, July 25, 2020, karsten <karsten@terragis.net> wrote:
Hi All,

I am trying to create my first plphyton function ( retrieving earthquake
data from an API) .
Overall I was able to get one single row to be returned, but am struggling
how to return the entire list I have as multiple rows - see below. Currently
I get the following error when running the GetEartquakeAll function:

select GetEartquakeAll('2020-01-01' ,'2020-03-01', -120, 40,200, 1.7)
gives me
ERROR: length of returned sequence did not match number of columns in row

How can I 'simply' return each list value as a row ?
Karsten Vennemann

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION GetEartquakeAll(start date ,stop date, lon float,
lat float,radius int, minmagnitude float) RETURNS equake_values AS $$

The choice of mailing list for this is unusual as this seems to have nothing to do with general SQL.

Anyway, you may find the following documentation section useful.

David J.