Обсуждение: pgAdmin 4 v4.28 released


pgAdmin 4 v4.28 released

Akshay Joshi
The pgAdmin Development Team is pleased to announce pgAdmin 4 version 4.28.
This release of pgAdmin 4 includes 19 bug fixes and new features. For more details please see the release notes at:


pgAdmin is the leading Open Source graphical management tool for PostgreSQL. For more information, please see:


Notable changes in this release include:
  • Added support to download utility files at the client-side.
  • Added support to rename query tool and debugger tabs title.
  • Added support for dynamic tab size.
  • Added tab title placeholder for Query Tool, View/Edit Data, and Debugger.
  • Added support to compare schemas and databases in schema diff.
  • Ensure that non-superuser should be able to debug the function.
  • Ensure that query history should be listed by date/time in descending order.
  • Ensure that Grant Wizard should include foreign tables.
  • Ensure that search object functionality works with case insensitive string.

Builds for Windows and macOS are available now, along with a Python Wheel,
Docker Container, RPM, DEB Package, and source code tarball from:

Akshay Joshi
pgAdmin Project