Обсуждение: Re: Bug #6238: pgagent 4.0 : SQL Jobstep code not UTF-8 safe


Re: Bug #6238: pgagent 4.0 : SQL Jobstep code not UTF-8 safe

Ashesh Vashi
Hi Frank,

On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 10:42 PM Frank Limpert <limpus@t-online.de> wrote:
Dear Mr. Vashi,

I turn to you because you were the last person to deal with the problem
before me, who obviously can change the assignee of that issue.

I have updated the issue mentioned in the subject in redmine more than
two weeks ago. My findings using pgagent 4.2.1 from
<https://git.postgresql.org/git/pgagent.git> were rather serious.

I would like you to assign this issue to some project member
knowledgeable with text encodings. Unfortunately, I can't add more to
solve this bug.
I was not aware of that - the case had been updated, as I am not currently closely involved with the project at the moment.
I will look into the issue in a few days, and update you accordingly.

Please keep the pgadmin-support mailing list in loop to reach out to the community.

Happy computing...
Happy Coding.. :)

-- Thanks,
Ashesh Vashi
Frank Limpert