Обсуждение: Index and statistics not used


Index and statistics not used


Good day


I’m struggling with a Postgres 13 performance issue and nothing I do seem to help.


I have two tables with one having a foreign key to the other. It happens to be for this one client the foreign key is always null, so no violation would be possible. When deleting from the one table the foreign key trigger for constraint takes 20 seconds to run.


The tables look as follows



    id    bigint pkey

    value number


table2 (55 mil entries)

    id        bigint pkey

    table1_id bigint (fkey to table1 id)

    value     number


Running delete from table1 where id = 48938 the trigger for constraint runs for 20 seconds


Event when doing a simple select from table2 where table1_id = 48938 takes about 8 seconds


I’ve tried the following, but nothing seems to change the outcome:

CREATE INDEX table2_idx ON table2(table1_id);

CREATE INDEX table2_idx2 ON table2(table1_id) WHERE table1_id IS NOT NULL;

CREATE INDEX table2_idx3 ON table2(table1_id) INCLUDE (id) WHERE table1_id IS NOT NULL;


alter table table2 alter column table1_id set statistics 10000;


None of these steps changes the planner and it would continue to do table scans.




Re: Index and statistics not used

David Rowley
On Tue, 18 May 2021 at 08:42, <rstander@exa.co.za> wrote:
> Running delete from table1 where id = 48938 the trigger for constraint runs for 20 seconds
> Event when doing a simple select from table2 where table1_id = 48938 takes about 8 seconds

Does EXPLAIN show it uses a seq scan for this 8-second SELECT?

If so, does it use the index if you SET enable_seqscan TO off; ? If
so, how do the costs compare to the seqscan costs?

Is random_page_cost set to something sane? Are all the indexes valid?
(psql's \d table2 would show you INVALID if they're not.)

does: SHOW enable_indexscan; show that index scanning is switched on?
