Обсуждение: pg_dump's restore gives "operator does not exist: public.iprange = public.iprange" but copy paste works


pg_dump's restore gives "operator does not exist: public.iprange = public.iprange" but copy paste works

"Christopher Causer"

I originally posted this as a StackOverflow question[1], but one of the responses there suggested I may get further
helphere on pgsql-general. The question is perhaps a little more fleshed out than what follows, but I hope this email

I have a large database whose schema I have recently changed. Since then I cannot restore its dump using the normal
`psql-1 -f ...` route. Running `psql -1 -f ...` gives the error shown in the subject,  yet pasting the failing view in
theterminal afterwards is successful. 

To cut a long story short, I pruned the schema to ~100 lines but something that can reproduce the error shown in the
subject.The testcase is appended to this email for completeness[2]. No lines have been changed; I have only deleted
linesto whittle the production dump down to something that is copy-paste friendly.

One helpful person there was able to find the line created by pg_dump which causes the error 

SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
However, I do not know the knock-on effects of removing this line, and it doesn't help that I will have to edit the
dumpsevery time I wish to restore them.

Is there something I can do to pg_dump which can suppress this error in the general case? Is this a bug or have I done
somethingwrong myself? The relevant details of the Debian stretch host:

ii  postgresql-9.6-ip4r                   2.4-1.pgdg80+1  
ii  postgresql-client-9.6                 9.6.22-0+deb9u1 
ii  postgresql-contrib-9.6                9.6.22-0+deb9u1

Many thanks for your time on this




SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET lock_timeout = 0;
SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET xmloption = content;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET row_security = off;

CREATE SCHEMA user_views;


CREATE TABLE data.subnet_dhcp_options_updates_log (
    subnet_range public.iprange NOT NULL,
    txid bigint NOT NULL,
    last_update timestamp without time zone NOT NULL

CREATE FUNCTION public.subnet_dhcp_option_last_update(arg_subnet_range public.iprange) RETURNS timestamp without time
    AS $$
  select last_update from data.subnet_dhcp_options_updates_log where subnet_range = arg_subnet_range;

CREATE TABLE data.subnets (
    id uuid DEFAULT public.uuid_generate_v4() NOT NULL,
    subnet_range public.iprange NOT NULL,
    comment text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL,
    created_in_transaction bigint DEFAULT txid_current() NOT NULL,
    deleted_in_transaction bigint,
    subnet_name text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL,
    is_visible boolean DEFAULT true NOT NULL

CREATE VIEW archive.subnets AS
 SELECT subnets.id,
    public.family(subnets.subnet_range) AS ip_version
   FROM data.subnets;

CREATE TABLE data.subnet_dhcp_options (
    id uuid NOT NULL,
    kea_subnet_id integer NOT NULL,
    subnet_range public.iprange NOT NULL,
    subnet_pools public.iprange[] DEFAULT '{}'::public.iprange[] NOT NULL,
    dhcp_options jsonb DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb NOT NULL,
    unknown_client_leases boolean NOT NULL,
    comment text DEFAULT ''::text NOT NULL,
    created_in_transaction bigint DEFAULT txid_current() NOT NULL,
    deleted_in_transaction bigint

CREATE VIEW public.subnets AS
 SELECT subnets.id,
   FROM archive.subnets
  WHERE (subnets.deleted_in_transaction IS NULL);

CREATE VIEW archive.subnet_dhcp_options AS
 SELECT sdo.id,
    (sdo.subnet_pools)::text[] AS subnet_pools,
    public.family(sdo.subnet_range) AS ip_version,
    array_to_string((sdo.subnet_pools)::text[], '
'::text) AS subnet_pools_as_string,
    public.subnet_dhcp_option_last_update(sdo.subnet_range) AS last_update,
    s.id AS subnet_id
   FROM (data.subnet_dhcp_options sdo
     JOIN public.subnets s USING (subnet_range));

On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 12:51 PM Christopher Causer <chy.causer@gmail.com> wrote:

SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);

The data types you are using exist in the public schema.  I must assume the associated equality operator also exists in the public schema.  So, when the search_path does not include the public schema that operator cannot be found.  Just like you schema qualified the types as public.iprange you have to also schema qualify the operator.  This is done with the somewhat verbose syntax: operator(public.=) as documented [1].

select last_update from data.subnet_dhcp_options_updates_log where subnet_range operator(public.=) arg_subnet_range;  (might need double quotes...)

Not sure how to deal with implicit operator usage though...in the case of join (on/using) or the IN test...but if the issue is strictly in the written operator usage adding the schema will solve the problem.  Getting the schema back into the search_path is not a viable solution path at present.

David J.

"Christopher Causer" <chy.causer@gmail.com> writes:
> I have a large database whose schema I have recently changed. Since then I cannot restore its dump using the normal
`psql-1 -f ...` route. Running `psql -1 -f ...` gives the error shown in the subject,  yet pasting the failing view in
theterminal afterwards is successful.  

The core problem here is that this view definition:

CREATE VIEW archive.subnet_dhcp_options AS
     JOIN public.subnets s USING (subnet_range));

is not safe against varying settings of the search_path.  It needs the
"iprange = iprange" operator, which you've placed in the public schema;
so if that's not in the search_path when the view is defined, you lose.

Ordinarily pg_dump would account for this by writing out a
schema-qualified operator name, ie OPERATOR(public.=).  But the
JOIN USING syntax involves no explicit operator name so there's
no way to do that.

This isn't the only SQL syntax that has implicit operators; CASE is
another example, and I think there are more.  We've discussed inventing
non-SQL-spec syntax that can cope with explicitly writing a qualified
operator name in all these cases, but it looks like a messy project
with an ugly final result :-(, so nothing's been done yet.

I don't think there's any good solution right now.  You could perhaps
put the iprange extension in pg_catalog not public, so that it's always
in the search path.  I don't recall right now if that has any downsides.

            regards, tom lane

On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 1:09 PM Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

I don't think there's any good solution right now.

For joins it is generally easy enough to resort to the ON clause instead of USING so of the various places there are problems this is probably the least.

I'll admit these have been infrequent since resolving CVE 2018-1058, but I still disagree with the decision to not give the DBA an option on whether to leave public in their search_path during a pg_dump and pg_restore.

David J.

On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 1:09 PM Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
This isn't the only SQL syntax that has implicit operators; CASE is
another example, and I think there are more.  We've discussed inventing
non-SQL-spec syntax that can cope with explicitly writing a qualified
operator name in all these cases, but it looks like a messy project
with an ugly final result :-(, so nothing's been done yet.

IIUC, functions can force a search_path even during dump/restore by being created with one specified as part of the create function command.  Since the issue is with stored objects moreso than queries generically is it feasible to approach the view solution by adding a "SET" clause to CREATE VIEW as well?
David J.

"David G. Johnston" <david.g.johnston@gmail.com> writes:
> I'll admit these have been infrequent since resolving CVE 2018-1058, but I
> still disagree with the decision to not give the DBA an option on whether
> to leave public in their search_path during a pg_dump and pg_restore.

Yeah, I was never for that decision either.  Anybody who's sufficiently
hot about it could try submitting a patch and see what happens.

I'm not quite sure how the option should work, but maybe call it
--use-unsafe-path and define it as adopting the same search_path
setting seen at dump time?  Or maybe better to provide a restore-time
option saying "use this search_path"?  It needs some thought, not
just quick-n-dirty code.

            regards, tom lane

On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 1:09 PM Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

This isn't the only SQL syntax that has implicit operators; CASE is
another example, and I think there are more.  We've discussed inventing
non-SQL-spec syntax that can cope with explicitly writing a qualified
operator name in all these cases, but it looks like a messy project
with an ugly final result :-(, so nothing's been done yet.

(sorry if this is a duplicate, got an error on my first sending attempt)

IIUC, functions can force a search_path even during dump/restore by being created with one specified as part of the create function command.  Since the issue is with stored objects moreso than queries generically is it feasible to approach the view solution by adding a "SET" clause to CREATE VIEW as well?

David J.
"David G. Johnston" <david.g.johnston@gmail.com> writes:
> IIUC, functions can force a search_path even during dump/restore by being
> created with one specified as part of the create function command.  Since
> the issue is with stored objects moreso than queries generically is it
> feasible to approach the view solution by adding a "SET" clause to CREATE
> VIEW as well?

Don't see the point.  The issue here is what search_path applies at
view definition time, and you have syntax to control that today:

    SET search_path = whatever;
    CREATE VIEW ... ;
    RESET search_path;

So the problem is not lack of a server feature, it's persuading pg_dump
to emit something other than what it does now.

            regards, tom lane

On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 1:29 PM Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
So the problem is not lack of a server feature, it's persuading pg_dump
to emit something other than what it does now.

So basically a different variation on the let someone else who feels hot enough about it and is able to code in C figure out a solution.

If schema qualification within the query is not possible (this seems to be the case given your previous statement that used the words messy and ugly) then the only other approach is to get a known good search_path in place before the CREATE VIEW command.  Since that known good search path has a meaningful order, and the parsed view throws that knowledge away, it is not possible to use existing catalog data to solve the problem.  We may not need a SET clause on CREATE VIEW but instead the session's order dependent search path can be stored alongside the view as critical metadata that tools can reference, including pg_dump.  Assuming CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW  would capture that metadata then an explicit SET option would not be necessary.

Though, part of the appeal of such an option is to localize the search_path change to just the view being created, leaving the session search_path alone.  Its more of a usability thing, with potential metadata benefits, that probably doesn't offer enough improvement over just changing the session search_path.

David J.