Обсуждение: EnterpriseDB



Mladen Gogala
The company I work for will test EnterpriseDB. I am fairly well 
acquainted with Postgres but have no experience whatsoever with 
EnterpriseDB. How compatible to Postgres it is? Do pgAdmin4 and pgBadger 
work with EnterpriseDB? Are psql commands the same? Can anyone here 
share some impressions?


Mladen Gogala
Database Consultant
Tel: (347) 321-1217

Re: EnterpriseDB

EnterpriseDB is basically postgres with the added oracle compatability 
and some added external tools. THe default user & db will no longer be 
postgres but 'enterprisedb', but it is still postgresql so you won't 
have any issues working with EDB if you already know postgres

On 9/13/21 20:52, Mladen Gogala wrote:
> The company I work for will test EnterpriseDB. I am fairly well 
> acquainted with Postgres but have no experience whatsoever with 
> EnterpriseDB. How compatible to Postgres it is? Do pgAdmin4 and 
> pgBadger work with EnterpriseDB? Are psql commands the same? Can 
> anyone here share some impressions?
> Regards

Re: EnterpriseDB

manish yadav
In addition to the Sbob comments, if we install the EDB with postgres compatibility option in such a case we may continue to use postgres user as default super user and other configuration parameters would remain the same as community PostgreSQL.  

It would work perfectly fine with pgAdmin4 and pgbadger.

If you choose to install in Compatible with PostgreSQL mode, the Advanced Server superuser name is postgres.

Thanks and Regards,

Manish Yadav

Mobile : +91 8527607945

On Tuesday, 14 September 2021, 08:33:31 PM IST, sbob <sbob@quadratum-braccas.com> wrote:

EnterpriseDB is basically postgres with the added oracle compatability
and some added external tools. THe default user & db will no longer be
postgres but 'enterprisedb', but it is still postgresql so you won't
have any issues working with EDB if you already know postgres

On 9/13/21 20:52, Mladen Gogala wrote:
> The company I work for will test EnterpriseDB. I am fairly well
> acquainted with Postgres but have no experience whatsoever with
> EnterpriseDB. How compatible to Postgres it is? Do pgAdmin4 and
> pgBadger work with EnterpriseDB? Are psql commands the same? Can
> anyone here share some impressions?
> Regards