Обсуждение: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work


INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

"Jenda Krynicky"
So let's suppose I have a table like this:

    "Uuid" text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    "IpAddress" text COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
    "State" integer NOT NULL,
    "DoorColumns" bytea,
    "ConnectionStatus" integer NOT NULL,
    "LastConnected" timestamp without time zone,
    "LastReportId" integer,
    "LongOpenedDoors" bit varying,
    "Created" timestamp without time zone,
    "Updated" timestamp without time zone,

    ON public."Lockers" USING btree
    ("Uuid" COLLATE pg_catalog."default" ASC NULLS LAST)
    TABLESPACE pg_default;

and a function like this:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.findorcreatelocker(
    lockeruuid text,
    ipaddress text)
    RETURNS TABLE("Id" integer, "Created" timestamp without time 
zone, "Uuid" text, "State" integer, "ConnectionStatus" integer, 
"LastConnected" timestamp without time zone, "DoorColumns" bytea, 
"IpAddress" text, "LastReportCreated" timestamp without time zone) 
    LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
    COST 100
    ROWS 1000


    updated numeric;
    current timestamp;
    current := timezone('utc', now());

    update "Lockers"
    set "ConnectionStatus" = 0/*connected*/,
        "LastConnected" = current,
        "IpAddress" = COALESCE(ipAddress, "Lockers"."IpAddress"),
        "Updated" = current
    where "Lockers"."Uuid" = lockerUuid;

    IF (updated = 0) then
        INSERT INTO "Lockers" ("Uuid", "IpAddress", "State", 
"DoorColumns", "ConnectionStatus", "LastConnected", "LastReportId", 
"LongOpenedDoors", "Created", "Updated")
        VALUES (lockerUuid, ipAddress, 0/*new*/, null, 
0/*connected*/, current, null, null, current, current)
        ON CONFLICT ("Uuid")
        DO NOTHING;
    end if;

    return Query (
            "LockerReports"."Created" as "LastReportCreated" 
        FROM "Lockers" 
        LEFT JOIN "LockerReports" ON "LockerReports"."Id" = 
        WHERE "Lockers"."Uuid" = lockerUuid);

How the (censored) am I supposed to write the ON CONFLICT () clause 
so that it works?

Like this it reports:

ERROR:  column reference "Uuid" is ambiguous
LINE 3:         ON CONFLICT ("Uuid")
DETAIL:  It could refer to either a PL/pgSQL variable or a table 


If I drop the quotes and use just
    ON CONFLICT (Uuid)
I get 

    ERROR:  column "uuid" does not exist
    LINE 3:         ON CONFLICT (Uuid)
    HINT:  Perhaps you meant to reference the column "Lockers.Uuid".

Yes, thank you, that's exactly what I meant. That's what I wrote too, 
you (censored). I didn't write uuid, I wrote Uuid, you imbecile!

If I try to include the table name as ON CONFLICT (Lockers.Uuid) or 
ON CONFLICT ("Lockers"."Uuid"), I get a syntax error.

If I specify it as 
    ON CONFLICT ("Lockers.Uuid")
I get quite understandably
    ERROR:  column "Lockers.Uuid" does not exist
    LINE 3:         ON CONFLICT ("Lockers.Uuid")

So pretty please with a cherry on top, how do I explain to postgres 
13.4, that yes indeed by "Uuid" I mean the stinking column "Uuid".


=========== Jenda@Krynicky.cz == http://Jenda.Krynicky.cz ==========
There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain
I can't find it.
                    --- me

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

Adrian Klaver
On 12/1/21 11:20 AM, Jenda Krynicky wrote:
> So let's suppose I have a table like this:

> So pretty please with a cherry on top, how do I explain to postgres
> 13.4, that yes indeed by "Uuid" I mean the stinking column "Uuid".

The basic issue is described here:


"Since the names of variables are syntactically no different from the 
names of table columns, there can be ambiguity in statements that also 
refer to tables: is a given name meant to refer to a table column, or a 
variable? Let's change the previous example to ..."

ERROR:  column reference "Uuid" is ambiguous
LINE 3:         ON CONFLICT ("Uuid")

Is occurring because there is ambiguity between:

"Uuid" text



I would say the easiest way out of this is to change:

"Uuid" text --> "uuid_out" text

> Jenda

Adrian Klaver

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

"David G. Johnston"
On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 12:21 PM Jenda Krynicky <Jenda@krynicky.cz> wrote:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.findorcreatelocker(
        lockeruuid text,
        ipaddress text)
    RETURNS TABLE("Id" integer, "Created" timestamp without time
zone, "Uuid" text, "State" integer, "ConnectionStatus" integer,
"LastConnected" timestamp without time zone, "DoorColumns" bytea,
"IpAddress" text, "LastReportCreated" timestamp without time zone)

        INSERT INTO "Lockers" ("Uuid", "IpAddress", "State",
"DoorColumns", "ConnectionStatus", "LastConnected", "LastReportId",
"LongOpenedDoors", "Created", "Updated")
        VALUES (lockerUuid, ipAddress, 0/*new*/, null,
0/*connected*/, current, null, null, current, current)
        ON CONFLICT ("Uuid")
        DO NOTHING;
    end if;

How the (censored) am I supposed to write the ON CONFLICT () clause
so that it works?

Like this it reports:

ERROR:  column reference "Uuid" is ambiguous
LINE 3:         ON CONFLICT ("Uuid")
DETAIL:  It could refer to either a PL/pgSQL variable or a table


Yes, there is.  RETURNS TABLE (... "Uuid" text ... )

Changing that to something else should remove the ambiguity.  I agree it is not an ideal solution though.  I'm not sure what other options exist though.

If I drop the quotes and use just
        ON CONFLICT (Uuid)
I get

        ERROR:  column "uuid" does not exist
        LINE 3:         ON CONFLICT (Uuid)
        HINT:  Perhaps you meant to reference the column "Lockers.Uuid".

Yes, thank you, that's exactly what I meant. That's what I wrote too,
you (censored). I didn't write uuid, I wrote Uuid, you imbecile!

This one is on you for removing the double quotes that your choice of identifier names forces you to basically put everywhere.

If I try to include the table name as ON CONFLICT (Lockers.Uuid) or
Even if you didn't get a syntax error that isn't the name of your column...

ON CONFLICT ("Lockers"."Uuid"), I get a syntax error.

This is the one that should work so if its giving a syntax error it is the one worth questioning.

If I specify it as
        ON CONFLICT ("Lockers.Uuid")
I get quite understandably
        ERROR:  column "Lockers.Uuid" does not exist
        LINE 3:         ON CONFLICT ("Lockers.Uuid")

Yes, the double quotes in the earlier "Perhaps you meant" error message are a readability thing, not a "write this instead" thing.

David J.

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

"Jenda Krynicky"
From:               Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com>
> On 12/1/21 11:20 AM, Jenda Krynicky wrote:
> > So let's suppose I have a table like this:
> > 
> > 
> > So pretty please with a cherry on top, how do I explain to postgres
> > 13.4, that yes indeed by "Uuid" I mean the stinking column "Uuid".
> The basic issue is described here:
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/plpgsql-implementation.html#PLPGSQL-VAR-SUBST
> "Since the names of variables are syntactically no different from the 
> names of table columns, there can be ambiguity in statements that also 
> refer to tables: is a given name meant to refer to a table column, or a 
> variable? Let's change the previous example to ..."

Looks like a bad design.

> ERROR:  column reference "Uuid" is ambiguous
> LINE 3:         ON CONFLICT ("Uuid")
> Is occurring because there is ambiguity between:
> "Uuid" text
> "Lockers"."Uuid"

While the ON CONFLICT () very explicitely insists on there being a 
name of a column of the table being inserted into. Makes nonsense.

> I would say the easiest way out of this is to change:
> "Uuid" text --> "uuid_out" text

That would require changes to the application that consumes this 

A colleague found a better solution in the meantime. To add 

    #variable_conflict use_column

right above the DECLARE

Thanks for your time anyway, Jenda
===== Jenda@Krynicky.cz === http://Jenda.Krynicky.cz =====
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
    -- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

"Jenda Krynicky"
From:    "David G. Johnston" <david.g.johnston@gmail.com>
> On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 12:21 PM Jenda Krynicky <Jenda@krynicky.cz> wrote:
> >
> > CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.findorcreatelocker(
> >         lockeruuid text,
> >         ipaddress text)
> >     RETURNS TABLE("Id" integer, "Created" timestamp without time
> > zone, "Uuid" text, "State" integer, "ConnectionStatus" integer,
> > "LastConnected" timestamp without time zone, "DoorColumns" bytea,
> > "IpAddress" text, "LastReportCreated" timestamp without time zone)
> >
> >
> >         INSERT INTO "Lockers" ("Uuid", "IpAddress", "State",
> > "DoorColumns", "ConnectionStatus", "LastConnected", "LastReportId",
> > "LongOpenedDoors", "Created", "Updated")
> >         VALUES (lockerUuid, ipAddress, 0/*new*/, null,
> > 0/*connected*/, current, null, null, current, current)
> >         ON CONFLICT ("Uuid")
> >         DO NOTHING;
> >     end if;
> >
> > How the (censored) am I supposed to write the ON CONFLICT () clause
> > so that it works?
> >
> > Like this it reports:
> >
> > ERROR:  column reference "Uuid" is ambiguous
> > LINE 3:         ON CONFLICT ("Uuid")
> >                             ^
> > DETAIL:  It could refer to either a PL/pgSQL variable or a table
> > column.
> >
> >
> >
> Yes, there is.  RETURNS TABLE (... "Uuid" text ... )
> Changing that to something else should remove the ambiguity.  I agree it is
> not an ideal solution though.  I'm not sure what other options exist though.

How's that a variable for gawd's sake? It's a column name too! A 
column name in the definition of the resulting table.

> > If I drop the quotes and use just
> >         ON CONFLICT (Uuid)
> > I get
> >
> >         ERROR:  column "uuid" does not exist
> >         LINE 3:         ON CONFLICT (Uuid)
> >                             ^
> >         HINT:  Perhaps you meant to reference the column "Lockers.Uuid".
> >
> > Yes, thank you, that's exactly what I meant. That's what I wrote too,
> > you (censored). I didn't write uuid, I wrote Uuid, you imbecile!
> >
> This one is on you for removing the double quotes that your choice of
> identifier names forces you to basically put everywhere.

Right. Because lowercasing everything I write and then comparing it case sensitively to the names of database objects
makesa lot of sense. I mean who would want to use capital letters in names of objects in the first place?

Oh, PostgreSQL, how I hate thee, let me count the ways.

===== Jenda@Krynicky.cz === http://Jenda.Krynicky.cz =====
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
    -- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

Tom Lane
"David G. Johnston" <david.g.johnston@gmail.com> writes:
> On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 12:21 PM Jenda Krynicky <Jenda@krynicky.cz> wrote:

> Yes, there is.  RETURNS TABLE (... "Uuid" text ... )

> Changing that to something else should remove the ambiguity.  I agree it is
> not an ideal solution though.  I'm not sure what other options exist though.

The variable_conflict options that Adrian pointed to are one way out.

It's also possible to qualify the name in the ON CONFLICT clause,
although I think you have to parenthesize it to do so:

... ON CONFLICT (("Lockers"."Uuid"))

            regards, tom lane

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

"David G. Johnston"
On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 12:44 PM Jenda Krynicky <Jenda@krynicky.cz> wrote:
How's that a variable for gawd's sake? It's a column name too! A
column name in the definition of the resulting table.

The columns of the returns table are provided to the function as variables so that one can write:

output_column1 := 'value';
output_column2 := 'value';

Instead of having to do:
return (output_column1, output_column2);

Right. Because lowercasing everything I write and then comparing it case sensitively to the names of database objects makes a lot of sense. I mean who would want to use capital letters in names of objects in the first place?
Fair point, but you're not going to get much sympathy for not knowing the rules of the tool that you are using and the choices you've made regarding them.  I agree that your quoting everything has merit, but don't go complaining that when you forgot the quotes the system tells you the name is no longer found.

David J.

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

"David G. Johnston"
On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 12:52 PM Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
It's also possible to qualify the name in the ON CONFLICT clause,
although I think you have to parenthesize it to do so:

... ON CONFLICT (("Lockers"."Uuid"))

This really needs to be confirmed and, if so, better documented on the INSERT page, since adding a schema to the index_column_name does not intuitively turn it into an index_expression which is what the syntax diagram says requires an extra pair of parentheses.

David J.

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

"David G. Johnston"
On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 12:59 PM David G. Johnston <david.g.johnston@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 12:52 PM Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
It's also possible to qualify the name in the ON CONFLICT clause,
although I think you have to parenthesize it to do so:

... ON CONFLICT (("Lockers"."Uuid"))

This really needs to be confirmed and, if so, better documented on the INSERT page, since adding a schema to the index_column_name does not intuitively turn it into an index_expression which is what the syntax diagram says requires an extra pair of parentheses.

That of course should be adding a table qualifier to the column, not a schema qualifier.  I get why INSERT doesn't really care, the source table is never in question in SQL-land, but as we see here there is a valid need for it in plpgsql.

David J.

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

"Jenda Krynicky"
From:               Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>
> "David G. Johnston" <david.g.johnston@gmail.com> writes:
> > On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 12:21 PM Jenda Krynicky <Jenda@krynicky.cz> wrote:
> > Yes, there is.  RETURNS TABLE (... "Uuid" text ... )
> > Changing that to something else should remove the ambiguity.  I agree it is
> > not an ideal solution though.  I'm not sure what other options exist though.
> The variable_conflict options that Adrian pointed to are one way out.
> It's also possible to qualify the name in the ON CONFLICT clause,
> although I think you have to parenthesize it to do so:
> ... ON CONFLICT (("Lockers"."Uuid"))
>             regards, tom lane

ERROR:  invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "Lockers"
LINE 3:         ON CONFLICT (("Lockers"."Uuid"))
HINT:  There is an entry for table "Lockers", but it cannot be 
referenced from this part of the query.

===== Jenda@Krynicky.cz === http://Jenda.Krynicky.cz =====
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
    -- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

"Jenda Krynicky"
From: "David G. Johnston" <david.g.johnston@gmail.com>
> On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 12:44 PM Jenda Krynicky <Jenda@krynicky.cz> wrote:
> > How's that a variable for gawd's sake? It's a column name too! A
> > column name in the definition of the resulting table.
> >
> The columns of the returns table are provided to the function as variables
> so that one can write:
> output_column1 := 'value';
> output_column2 := 'value';
> return;
> Instead of having to do:
> return (output_column1, output_column2);

Yeah ... after I specified that instead of a few scalars I intend to 
return a resultset/recordset/table/whatever-you-want-to-call-it and 
while using a language that cannot distinguish between columns and 
variables even at a place that doesn't accept anything other than a 
column name. Right.

> > Right. Because lowercasing everything I write and then comparing it case
> > sensitively to the names of database objects makes a lot of sense. I mean
> > who would want to use capital letters in names of objects in the first
> > place?
> >
> Fair point, but you're not going to get much sympathy for not knowing the
> rules of the tool that you are using and the choices you've made regarding
> them.  I agree that your quoting everything has merit, but don't go
> complaining that when you forgot the quotes the system tells you the name
> is no longer found.

I did not create the table and I did not forget the quotes. I removed 
them in one of many attempts to appease PostgreSQL. I've already 
learned about those braindead rules.

===== Jenda@Krynicky.cz === http://Jenda.Krynicky.cz =====
When it comes to wine, women and song, wizards are allowed 
to get drunk and croon as much as they like.
    -- Terry Pratchett in Sourcery

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

Tom Lane
"Jenda Krynicky" <Jenda@Krynicky.cz> writes:
> From:               Tom Lane <tgl@sss.pgh.pa.us>
>> It's also possible to qualify the name in the ON CONFLICT clause,
>> although I think you have to parenthesize it to do so:
>> ... ON CONFLICT (("Lockers"."Uuid"))

> ERROR:  invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table "Lockers"
> LINE 3:         ON CONFLICT (("Lockers"."Uuid"))
>                               ^
> HINT:  There is an entry for table "Lockers", but it cannot be
> referenced from this part of the query.

Hmm, sorry, I'd tested that in HEAD, but it seems not to work in v13.
Looking closer, I think it was a not-mentioned-in-the-commit-log
side-effect of [1].  Anyway, seems like you need to fall back on
variable_conflict in v13.

            regards, tom lane

[1] https://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=postgresql.git&a=commitdiff&h=6c0373ab7

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

"David G. Johnston"
On Wed, Dec 1, 2021 at 1:04 PM Jenda Krynicky <Jenda@krynicky.cz> wrote:
I did not create the table and I did not forget the quotes. I removed
them in one of many attempts to appease PostgreSQL. I've already
learned about those braindead rules.

Nothing is perfect, especially something that started decades ago and has to be concerned about ongoing compatibility.  The best part is you got some clarification (that the RETURNS column is indeed the main cause of the issue) quickly from two different people and eventually came across the #variable_conflict hack that at least here is the least invasive solution to what is arguably a deficiency in the interaction between SQL and pl/pgsql.  They happen, again nothing is perfect.

David J.

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

Adrian Klaver
On 12/1/21 11:43, Jenda Krynicky wrote:
> From:               Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com>
>> On 12/1/21 11:20 AM, Jenda Krynicky wrote:
>>> So let's suppose I have a table like this:
>>> So pretty please with a cherry on top, how do I explain to postgres
>>> 13.4, that yes indeed by "Uuid" I mean the stinking column "Uuid".
>> The basic issue is described here:
>> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/plpgsql-implementation.html#PLPGSQL-VAR-SUBST
>> "Since the names of variables are syntactically no different from the
>> names of table columns, there can be ambiguity in statements that also
>> refer to tables: is a given name meant to refer to a table column, or a
>> variable? Let's change the previous example to ..."
> Looks like a bad design.

House rules.

My experience on this across a variety jobs software and not:

1) Learn the house rules

2) Do not expect them to follow your view of world.

3) Do not be surprised if the house does not follow it's own rules.

> While the ON CONFLICT () very explicitely insists on there being a
> name of a column of the table being inserted into. Makes nonsense.

No it does not expect this(house rules remember):


[ ON CONFLICT [ conflict_target ] conflict_action ]

where conflict_target can be one of:

  ( { index_column_name | ( index_expression ) } [ COLLATE collation ] [ 
opclass ] [, ...] ) [ WHERE index_predicate ]
     ON CONSTRAINT constraint_name

And further down:



     Specifies which conflicts ON CONFLICT takes the alternative action 
on by choosing arbiter indexes. Either performs unique index inference, 
or names a constraint explicitly. For ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING, it is 
optional to specify a conflict_target; when omitted, conflicts with all 
usable constraints (and unique indexes) are handled. For ON CONFLICT DO 
UPDATE, a conflict_target must be provide



     The name of a table_name column. Used to infer arbiter indexes. 
Follows CREATE INDEX format. SELECT privilege on index_column_name is 

     Similar to index_column_name, but used to infer expressions on 
table_name columns appearing within index definitions (not simple 
columns). Follows CREATE INDEX format. SELECT privilege on any column 
appearing within index_expression is required.

     When specified, mandates that corresponding index_column_name or 
index_expression use a particular collation in order to be matched 
during inference. Typically this is omitted, as collations usually do 
not affect whether or not a constraint violation occurs. Follows CREATE 
INDEX format.

     When specified, mandates that corresponding index_column_name or 
index_expression use particular operator class in order to be matched 
during inference. Typically this is omitted, as the equality semantics 
are often equivalent across a type's operator classes anyway, or because 
it's sufficient to trust that the defined unique indexes have the 
pertinent definition of equality. Follows CREATE INDEX format.

     Used to allow inference of partial unique indexes. Any indexes that 
satisfy the predicate (which need not actually be partial indexes) can 
be inferred. Follows CREATE INDEX format. SELECT privilege on any column 
appearing within index_predicate is required.

     Explicitly specifies an arbiter constraint by name, rather than 
inferring a constraint or index.

     An expression that returns a value of type boolean. Only rows for 
which this expression returns true will be updated, although all rows 
will be locked when the ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE action is taken. Note that 
condition is evaluated last, after a conflict has been identified as a 
candidate to update.

Adrian Klaver

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

Adrian Klaver
On 12/1/21 12:55, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> On 12/1/21 11:43, Jenda Krynicky wrote:
>> From:               Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com>
>>> On 12/1/21 11:20 AM, Jenda Krynicky wrote:

>> While the ON CONFLICT () very explicitely insists on there being a
>> name of a column of the table being inserted into. Makes nonsense.
> No it does not expect this(house rules remember):

Better wording would be, it is only one of the things it expects.

Adrian Klaver

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

Michael Lewis
Perhaps I missed something, but why all this effort to reference the column and not just reference IX_Lockers_Uuid for the on conflict clause?

Re: INSERT ... ON CONFLICT doesn't work

Adrian Klaver
On 12/1/21 20:20, Michael Lewis wrote:
> Perhaps I missed something, but why all this effort to reference the 
> column and not just reference IX_Lockers_Uuid for the on conflict clause?

Two reasons:

1) The OP thought that ON CONFLICT could only reference a column.

2) Explaining why the error occurred in the first place, which is down 
to variable/column name ambiguity.

Adrian Klaver