Обсуждение: Import postgreSQL


Import postgreSQL


I’m Samuel Graco, from Brazil, im studing postgreSQL 14, and i got trouble to import, i search on google, in documentation, even so i cant solve my problem. I came in tab Configure pgAdmim than path – binary path and select the archive that include what i wanna import, but this dont resolve it.
please help me.
Thank you, sorry for my english.


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Re: Import postgreSQL

Fernando Hevia

El mié, 11 may 2022 a la(s) 12:53, graco2002@outlook.com (graco2002@outlook.com) escribió:

I’m Samuel Graco, from Brazil, im studing postgreSQL 14, and i got trouble to import, i search on google, in documentation, even so i cant solve my problem. I came in tab Configure pgAdmim than path – binary path and select the archive that include what i wanna import, but this dont resolve it.

If you want to "import" a database from a dump file, this operation is referred to as "restore".
In pgAdmin select the database (create it if it doesn't exist) then select Tools->Restore.
A dialog will open with multiple options controlling the database restore.

If you actually are trying to import Postgres servers to PgAdmin server's list, you will find the option in the above menu bar Tools->Import/Export Servers.
Here is a short tutorial on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdd66leSDa4

In case it is not clear, pgAdmin is a tool to manage one or more postgres servers. "Import Servers" refers to declaring to pgAdmin the name of the database servers that will manage.
On the other hand, the restore function refers to restoring the contents of a database backup from a dump file. It will read the file and write its contents to the selected database.