Обсуждение: Section 40.1 Overview of Event Trigger Behavior, and Table 40.1 missing needed details


Section 40.1 Overview of Event Trigger Behavior, and Table 40.1 missing needed details

PG Doc comments form
The following documentation comment has been logged on the website:

Page: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/14/event-trigger-matrix.html

RE: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/event-trigger-matrix.html

Section 40.1. Overview of Event Trigger Behavior says:
"The table_rewrite event occurs just before a table is rewritten by some
actions of the commands ALTER TABLE and ALTER TYPE."
Issue: Neither the section nor the table describe which actions of ALTER
TABLE. If all actions fire the event trigger then section 40.1 should be
reworded to not suggest that some actions of ALTER table do not fire the
event trigger.

Re: Section 40.1 Overview of Event Trigger Behavior, and Table 40.1 missing needed details

Alvaro Herrera
On 2022-Aug-27, PG Doc comments form wrote:

> Section 40.1. Overview of Event Trigger Behavior says:
> "The table_rewrite event occurs just before a table is rewritten by some
> actions of the commands ALTER TABLE and ALTER TYPE."
> Issue: Neither the section nor the table describe which actions of ALTER
> TABLE. If all actions fire the event trigger then section 40.1 should be
> reworded to not suggest that some actions of ALTER table do not fire the
> event trigger.

I don't follow.  Not all actions fire that event trigger.  Precisely the
point of that event trigger type is to allow you to programmatically
discover which actions do rewrite the table, without having to document
them exactly.  Partly, the reason for this is that some actions can
avoid firing it under specific circumstances -- an example is SET DATA
TYPE, which most of the time does fire it, but it can be skipped in some
cases (say changing varchar(20) to varchar(40)).

Álvaro Herrera         PostgreSQL Developer  —  https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/
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