Обсуждение: Adding visual clues that accesskey exists


Adding visual clues that accesskey exists

Corey Huinker
Today I discovered that we already have accesskey support for navigation of our documentation. And it's been there since at least 2007, according to the mailing list archives.

I discovered this accidentally, because I was researching something and just instinctively hit the right arrow in the vain hope that it was somehow linked to the "Next" link.

Doing a view source on the page, I found the access keys: h = home, u = up, n = next, p = previous. That's great, and easy to remember for English speakers, everyone else less so. Accesskeys are primarily discovered via screen readers, so this isn't a huge problem, but having something language independent would be a nice touch. As far as I know, accesskeys cannot be the arrow keys.

Accesskeys seem to have universal support (at least: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, Opera) now according to https://www.w3schools.com/tags/att_global_accesskey.asp but, as the page says, they are not recommended largely because desktops and browsers tend to reuse these keys.

I would like to make this feature more discoverable and useful. Some ideas, in increasing order of complexity, are:

1. Add static hints to each link, so "Next" becomes "Next [n]".  Fairly simple, but visually clumsy, and it might not actually clue the user that they need to hit ALT+n, not just "n". This chrome extension is an example of how it might look https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/display-access-keys/gpicedcgegaokienkdbbcagodgacpbpd?hl=en . The extension itself seems stale if not completely abandoned, but the screenshot gives a good visual representation.

2. Add the hint to the hovertext of the link. So, for example on https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-exec.html the Hovertext for the "Next" link would become: "34.4 Asynchronous Command Processing [ALT+n]". This would lead to more accidental discovery, but wouldn't alter the existing static page appearance.

3. Add hotkey that launches an overlay which displays all available keyboard shortcuts. A common example of this is typing '?' in gmail or any other google web app.

4. Actually implement arrow keys with javascript, but leave the accesskeys as-is. I'm not a front-end programmer of any great skill, but it should be easy to capture the keydown event, filter for ArrowUp/ArrowLeft/ArrowRight, and then either search the DOM for the anchor with the corresponding accesskey, or rely on element ids (example: "nav-left", "nav-up", "nav-right") to find the anchor and invoke a .click() on it. Currently the navigation anchors do not have IDs, but adding them for this purpose might close us off from a future use.


Re: Adding visual clues that accesskey exists

Peter Eisentraut
On 13.01.23 23:07, Corey Huinker wrote:
> 1. Add static hints to each link, so "Next" becomes "Next [n]". Fairly 
> simple, but visually clumsy, and it might not actually clue the user 
> that they need to hit ALT+n, not just "n". This chrome extension is an 
> example of how it might look 
> https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/display-access-keys/gpicedcgegaokienkdbbcagodgacpbpd?hl=en
<https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/display-access-keys/gpicedcgegaokienkdbbcagodgacpbpd?hl=en>. The extension
itselfseems stale if not completely abandoned, but the screenshot gives a good visual representation.
> 2. Add the hint to the hovertext of the link. So, for example on 
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-exec.html 
> <https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/libpq-exec.html> the Hovertext 
> for the "Next" link would become: "34.4 Asynchronous Command Processing 
> [ALT+n]". This would lead to more accidental discovery, but wouldn't 
> alter the existing static page appearance.
> 3. Add hotkey that launches an overlay which displays all available 
> keyboard shortcuts. A common example of this is typing '?' in gmail or 
> any other google web app.
> 4. Actually implement arrow keys with javascript, but leave the 
> accesskeys as-is. I'm not a front-end programmer of any great skill, but 
> it should be easy to capture the keydown event, filter for 
> ArrowUp/ArrowLeft/ArrowRight, and then either search the DOM for the 
> anchor with the corresponding accesskey, or rely on element ids 
> (example: "nav-left", "nav-up", "nav-right") to find the anchor and 
> invoke a .click() on it. Currently the navigation anchors do not have 
> IDs, but adding them for this purpose might close us off from a future use.

I agree that hot key discoverability could be better, but I don't think 
this is an issue in the PostgreSQL documentation; it's something the 
browser should handle.  The job of the HTML markup is to declare the key 
-- then it's up to the browser how to present it.  Otherwise, every 
single web page in the world (well, those with hot keys) would have to 
repeat this analysis, which seems on the wrong level to me.

Re: Adding visual clues that accesskey exists

Corey Huinker
I agree that hot key discoverability could be better, but I don't think
this is an issue in the PostgreSQL documentation; it's something the
browser should handle.  The job of the HTML markup is to declare the key
-- then it's up to the browser how to present it.  Otherwise, every
single web page in the world (well, those with hot keys) would have to
repeat this analysis, which seems on the wrong level to me.

I agree that that's a thing that browsers should be doing, but presently none are (as far as I know), and the history of web development has many examples of websites having to write crutches for deficient browsers so that their users can have a decent experience, with the definition of decent experience shifting over time.

Attached is a patch to add the nav- tags to the header (could just as easily have done the footer) for up/down/left/right and the javascript to find those ids and simulate a click. I've tested this on chrome (where accesskeys work with alt+ ) and firefox (where accesskeys don't seem to work at all) and it works as expected in both places. The javascript itself is rather naive, but serves as a starting point for discussion.

In researching accesskey, I've noticed that the accesskey="t" stylesheet section doesn't get rendered in our html anywhere. Was "t" = "table of contents"? Seems like something we could delete until we need it again.


Re: Adding visual clues that accesskey exists

Peter Eisentraut
On 18.01.23 22:49, Corey Huinker wrote:
> Attached is a patch to add the nav- tags to the header (could just as 
> easily have done the footer) for up/down/left/right and the javascript 
> to find those ids and simulate a click. I've tested this on 
> chrome (where accesskeys work with alt+ ) and firefox (where 
> accesskeys don't seem to work at all) and it works as expected in both 
> places. The javascript itself is rather naive, but serves as a starting 
> point for discussion.

This breaks the use of the arrow keys for scrolling.  That doesn't seem 

Re: Adding visual clues that accesskey exists

Corey Huinker
On Fri, Jan 20, 2023 at 6:07 AM Peter Eisentraut <peter.eisentraut@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
On 18.01.23 22:49, Corey Huinker wrote:
> Attached is a patch to add the nav- tags to the header (could just as
> easily have done the footer) for up/down/left/right and the javascript
> to find those ids and simulate a click. I've tested this on
> chrome (where accesskeys work with alt+ ) and firefox (where
> accesskeys don't seem to work at all) and it works as expected in both
> places. The javascript itself is rather naive, but serves as a starting
> point for discussion.

This breaks the use of the arrow keys for scrolling.  That doesn't seem

Fair enough. Most desktops overload the shift/cmd/alt combinations of arrow keys, so there's not a lot of room to find an alternative.