Обсуждение: log_temp_files one minor clarification


log_temp_files one minor clarification

"Martin L. Buchanan"

log_temp_files (integer)
Controls logging of temporary file names and sizes. Temporary files can be created for sorts, hashes, and temporary query results. If enabled by this setting, a log entry is emitted for each temporary file when it is deleted. A value of zero logs all temporary file information, while positive values log only files whose size is greater than or equal to the specified amount of data. If this value is specified without units, it is taken as kilobytes. The default setting is -1, which disables such logging. Only superusers and users with the appropriate SET privilege can change this setting.


At the end of the first sentence, please change "sizes" to "the file sizes in bytes", presuming that the logged size actually is in bytes.

It would also be excellent if the log message itself included " bytes" as the unit used, but that is a code suggestion, not a documentation suggestion.

This sentence "If this value is specified without units, it is taken as kilobytes." might best be slightly changed then to "If the value of log_temp_files is specified without units, it is taken as kilobytes." I suggest this slightly more wordy version as mentioning bytes for file sizes above creates a bit of cognitive ambiguity when the second sentence discussed is then encountered by the reader.


Martin L Buchanan
Senior software engineer (entirely focused on PostgreSQL)
Laramie, WY, USA