Обсуждение: Idea: Add first() and last() aggregate functions to the main release


Idea: Add first() and last() aggregate functions to the main release

Ben Clements
Idea/request for enhancement: 

Add the first() and last() aggregate functions to the main release (CREATE EXTENSION first_last_agg).

Reason: As a non-dba, I can’t install additional modules like first_last_agg.


Re: Idea: Add first() and last() aggregate functions to the main release

Erwin Brandstetter
On Sat, 11 Mar 2023 at 23:38, Ben Clements <benhasgonewalking@gmail.com> wrote:
Idea/request for enhancement: 

Add the first() and last() aggregate functions to the main release (CREATE EXTENSION first_last_agg).

Reason: As a non-dba, I can’t install additional modules like first_last_agg.

For what it's worth, I support the inclusion of first() and last() in the main release. It makes queries involving multiple aggregate functions a lot simpler. Most hosted services only allow official contrib modules.
The module has been around for more than 10 years now. First on https://www.pgxn.org/dist/first_last_agg, then on https://github.com/wulczer/first_last_agg. And it's been available from apt.postgresql.org for a long time now.
Related questions pop up on Stackoverflow every now and then.
(I don't see anything related in the Postgres Todo, yet.)

The implementation in the additional module first_last_agg looks very simple and straight-forward. Might be an easy task to incorporate into mainline Postgres. But my C foo is just not good enough to judge whether the implementation is ideal.
