Обсуждение: pgAdmin 4 v7.0 Released


pgAdmin 4 v7.0 Released

Akshay Joshi

The pgAdmin Development Team is pleased to announce pgAdmin 4 version 7.0.

This release of pgAdmin 4 includes 43 bug fixes and new features. For more details please see the release notes at:


pgAdmin is the leading Open Source graphical management tool for PostgreSQL. For more information, please see:


Note: To upgrade on RHEL 8, Rocky Linux 8, Fedora 36, and Fedora 37 users have to manually remove the “python3-mod_wsgi” package. While removing the “python3-mod_wsgi” package, it removes all the dependencies, and pgadmin 4 is one of the dependencies.

Notable changes in this release include:


  • Auto expand row edit form when a new row is added for Primary Key, Foreign Key, Unique Constraint, and Exclusion Constraint.

  • Added support for mounting shared storage in server mode.

  • Add a note on top of keyboard shortcut preferences to show the Accesskey of the browser.

  • Added capability to deploy PostgreSQL servers on Google Cloud.

  • Added support of BigAnimal v3 API.

  • On pressing Ctrl+C on a tree object, copy the fully qualified name to the clipboard.

  • Added option to create unique constraint with nulls not distinct.


  • Upgrade from psycopg2 to psycopg3, Update SQLAlchemy, Flask, Flask-SQLAlchemy, and other packages to current versions, and Remove Bootstrap and jQuery usage.

  • Fixed the LDAP authentication issue for the simultaneous login attempts.(CVE-2023-1907).

  • Show appropriate error message when master password is not set instead of 'Crypt key missing'.

  • Ensure that the user's storage directory is created when the users are created, as well as for those users whose directories have not yet been created.

  • Fixed an issue where migration on an external database is not working.

  • Fixed CSV export from Query Tool results does not include all columns for multiple CTEs.

  • Fixed 'rawunicodeescape' codec can't decode issue in an SQL_ASCII database.

  • Use fetch instead of Axios to close connections in SQLEditor, ERD, Schema Diff, and Debugger to ensure it completes.

  • Ensure that when pasting rows the rows are added right below the selected rows for copying.

  • Fix the dependents SQL of Roles which is throwing a type casting error on PostgreSQL 15.

Builds for Windows and macOS are available now, along with a Python Wheel,

Docker Container, RPM, DEB Package, and source code tarball from:



Akshay Joshi

pgAdmin Project