Обсуждение: Disk space not released after schema deletion


Disk space not released after schema deletion

Isaac Morland
The usual question is “why did DELETE not release disk space?”, and I understand why that is and something about how to get the space back (VACUUM).

I have a database which hosts multiple applications in various schemas and I’m trying to make test/sample data files by starting with a restored copy of production and then dropping all schemas except for the ones I need for a particular application.

The total size of all relations after the drop operations is just a few MB:

odyssey=# select sum (pg_total_relation_size (oid)) from pg_class;
(1 row)

Yet the database size is still large (although much smaller than in the original database):

odyssey=# select datname, pg_database_size (oid) from pg_database;
  datname  | pg_database_size
 postgres  |          8930083
 _repmgr   |        654934531
 template0 |          8643075
 template1 |          8864547
 odyssey   |      14375453475
(5 rows)

The only change made after starting from a basebackup of production was to set all the passwords to NULL in pg_authid, and to delete most of the schemas. In particular, I wouldn’t expect VACUUM to do anything.

Does anybody know what could be holding all that space?