Обсуждение: Change the name of a function in the odbc-driver


Change the name of a function in the odbc-driver

Karl Aschbacher
Dear all,

we are using the Oracle Analytics Server to connect to a PostgreSql Database.
While this is generally working, the OAS sends some wrong function names.
(for example grouping_id instead of grouping).
We tried creating an "alias function", named grouping_id that would simply call grouping, but we failed as the number (and type) of arguments is just not predictable.

I then came up with the idea to change the method name in the ODBC Driver, like for some scalar functions. So far I have added another mapping in convert.c, recompiled the driver, but (of course ?) this is not working yet.

" {"GROUPING_ID",          "grouping"               },"

So my questions are:
Is this an approach that is worth following?
(Knowing Oracle support, a fix might be taking quite some time)
If yes, is there any advice you could give what else need to be changed?

If no - any other idea how to address this issue?
Any help or ideas will be very much appreciated.

many thanks
best regards