Обсуждение: BUG #18303: I found a description error about the maximum value of the interval type in the official documentati

The following bug has been logged on the website:

Bug reference:      18303
Logged by:          Ji XiaoBo
Email address:      kiminoneko@163.com
PostgreSQL version: 15.1
Operating system:   CentOS-7-x86_64

I found a description error about the maximum value of the interval type in
the official documentation. According to the official documentation, the
minimum value is -178,000,000 years, and the maximum value is 178,000,000
years. However, based on my actual testing, I found that the maximum value
is around 178,956,970.6 years. For example, I can successfully execute the
SQL statement "select interval '178956970.6 year'" but executing "select
interval '178956970.7 year'" will prompt "interval field value out of
range". I tested both versions 12.4 and 15.1 and got the same result.
  Please tell me if this is a document description error and if it needs to
be modified, thanks!