Обсуждение: Undetected deadlock between primary and standby processes


Undetected deadlock between primary and standby processes




We found a undetected deadlock between a client backend process on the primary and a startup process on the standby during replication.


To reproduce the situation, follow the steps below. After completing the procedures, both the backend process and the startup process are left waiting for each other, resulting in a deadlock. The deadlock is not automatically detected and resolved.


1. (primary) setup the primary database cluster and create a table space

$ initdb -D data --no-locale --encoding=UTF8

$ pg_ctl -D data start

$ mkdir /tmp/hoge1

$ psql -c "CREATE TABLESPACE hoge LOCATION '/tmp/hoge1'"


2. (standby) setup the standby database cluster

$ pg_basebackup -D sby1 -R -T /tmp/hoge1=/tmp/hoge2 -X fetch

$ echo "port = 5433" >> sby1/postgresql.conf

$ echo "temp_tablespaces = 'hoge'" >> sby1/postgresql.conf

$ echo "max_standby_streaming_delay = -1" >> sby1/postgresql.conf

$ pg_ctl -D sby1 start


3. (primary) create table and get ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock in primary




SELECT pg_switch_wal();


4. (standby) execute SELECT with ORDER BY clause to produce a temporary file.


SET work_mem TO 64;

DECLARE mycur CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, 1000000) n ORDER BY n;

FETCH mycur;



5. (new session on the primary) drop the table space in a new session other than the one which created table t().



6. check the waiting event


postgres=# select datid, datname, wait_event_type, wait_event, query, backend_type from pg_stat_activity ;

datid | datname  | wait_event_type |     wait_event      |                                              query                                              |         backend_type


     5 | postgres | Client          | ClientRead          | SELECT pg_switch_wal();                                                                         | client backend



postgres=#  select datid, datname, wait_event_type, wait_event, query, backend_type from pg_stat_activity ;

datid | datname  | wait_event_type |         wait_event         |                                              query                                              |   backend_type


     5 | postgres | Lock            | relation                   | SELECT * FROM t;                                                                                | client backend

       |          | IPC             | RecoveryConflictTablespace |                                                                                                 | startup



My environment is following.

PostgreSQL: 16.1

OS: Rocky Linux 9



With Regards,

Rintaro Ikeda








I correct the previous bug report [1] to provide a more accurate description. The bug report demonstrated undetected deadlock between client backend and startup processes on a standby server. (The title in the previous bug report is "Undetected deadlock between primary and standby processes". But this was wrong. Actually, this should be noted that "Undetected deadlock between client backend and startup process on a standby server".)


After the procedures proposed in my bug report [1], a recovery conflict is present because the tablespace which startup process tries to drop is used by cliend backend process in standby. We see the pg_stat_activity (shown below), which implies a deadlock. A client backend process waits for AccessExclusiveLock to be released. Startup process waits for recovery conflict resolution for dropping the tablespace. This deadlock is not resolved after deadlock_timeout passes.


(Standby server)

postgres=# select datid, datname, wait_event_type, wait_event, query, backend_type from pg_stat_activity ;

datid | datname  | wait_event_type |         wait_event         |                                              query                                              |   backend_type


     5 | postgres | Lock            | relation                   | SELECT * FROM t;                                                                                | client backend

       |          | IPC             | RecoveryConflictTablespace |                                                                                                 | startup



This deadlock is similar to the previously identified and patched issue [2], which also involved an undetected deadlock between backend process and recovery on a standby server. I think the deadlock explained in this report should be detected and resolved.





[1] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/OS7PR01MB11702355B9A28CE07242507B6CE422%40OS7PR01MB11702.jpnprd01.prod.outlook.com

[2] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/4041d6b6-cf24-a120-36fa-1294220f8243%40oss.nttdata.com




From: RDH 池田 凜太郎/Ikeda, Rintaro (NTT DATA) <Rintaro.Ikeda@jp.nttdata.com>
Date: Friday, February 2, 2024 at 12:10
To: pgsql-bugs@lists.postgresql.org <pgsql-bugs@lists.postgresql.org>
Subject: Undetected deadlock between primary and standby processes



We found a undetected deadlock between a client backend process on the primary and a startup process on the standby during replication.


To reproduce the situation, follow the steps below. After completing the procedures, both the backend process and the startup process are left waiting for each other, resulting in a deadlock. The deadlock is not automatically detected and resolved.


1. (primary) setup the primary database cluster and create a table space

$ initdb -D data --no-locale --encoding=UTF8

$ pg_ctl -D data start

$ mkdir /tmp/hoge1

$ psql -c "CREATE TABLESPACE hoge LOCATION '/tmp/hoge1'"


2. (standby) setup the standby database cluster

$ pg_basebackup -D sby1 -R -T /tmp/hoge1=/tmp/hoge2 -X fetch

$ echo "port = 5433" >> sby1/postgresql.conf

$ echo "temp_tablespaces = 'hoge'" >> sby1/postgresql.conf

$ echo "max_standby_streaming_delay = -1" >> sby1/postgresql.conf

$ pg_ctl -D sby1 start


3. (primary) create table and get ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock in primary




SELECT pg_switch_wal();


4. (standby) execute SELECT with ORDER BY clause to produce a temporary file.


SET work_mem TO 64;

DECLARE mycur CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM generate_series(1, 1000000) n ORDER BY n;

FETCH mycur;



5. (new session on the primary) drop the table space in a new session other than the one which created table t().



6. check the waiting event


postgres=# select datid, datname, wait_event_type, wait_event, query, backend_type from pg_stat_activity ;

datid | datname  | wait_event_type |     wait_event      |                                              query                                              |         backend_type


     5 | postgres | Client          | ClientRead          | SELECT pg_switch_wal();                                                                         | client backend



postgres=#  select datid, datname, wait_event_type, wait_event, query, backend_type from pg_stat_activity ;

datid | datname  | wait_event_type |         wait_event         |                                              query                                              |   backend_type


     5 | postgres | Lock            | relation                   | SELECT * FROM t;                                                                                | client backend

       |          | IPC             | RecoveryConflictTablespace |                                                                                                 | startup



My environment is following.

PostgreSQL: 16.1

OS: Rocky Linux 9



With Regards,

Rintaro Ikeda






On 3/4/24 09:35, Rintaro.Ikeda@nttdata.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I correct the previous bug report [1] to provide a more accurate 
> description. The bug report demonstrated undetected deadlock between 
> client backend and startup processes on a standby server. (The title
> in the previous bug report is "Undetected deadlock between primary
> and standby processes". But this was wrong. Actually, this should be
> noted that "Undetected deadlock between client backend and startup
> process on a standby server".)
> After the procedures proposed in my bug report [1], a recovery 
> conflict is present because the tablespace which startup process
> tries to drop is used by cliend backend process in standby. We see
> the pg_stat_activity (shown below), which implies a deadlock. A
> client backend process waits for AccessExclusiveLock to be released.
> Startup process waits for recovery conflict resolution for dropping
> the tablespace. This deadlock is not resolved after deadlock_timeout
> passes.
> (Standby server)
> postgres=# select datid, datname, wait_event_type, wait_event, query, backend_type from pg_stat_activity ;
> datid | datname  | wait_event_type |         wait_event         |                                              query
                                           |   backend_type
>      5 | postgres | Lock            | relation                   | SELECT * FROM t;
                                            | client backend
>        |          | IPC             | RecoveryConflictTablespace |
                                            | startup
> This deadlock is similar to the previously identified and patched 
> issue [2], which also involved an undetected deadlock between
> backend process and recovery on a standby server. I think the
> deadlock explained in this report should be detected and resolved.

Thanks for the report.

So what are the steps to reproduce this? The previous message did all
kinds of stuff on the primary and then got stuck on pg_switch_wal() on
the primary, but this updated seems to do stuff on the standby and gets
the lockup there.

It seems similar in the sense that it's about interaction between
recovery and a regular backend, but unfortunately
ResolveRecoveryConflictWithVirtualXIDs does not wait for a lock, it just
checks if the XID is still running, so it's invisible to the deadlock
detector :-(

But it's still checked against max_standby_streaming_delay, which should
resolve the deadlock (unless set to -1 to allow infinite delays) at some
point, right?

Also, I'm not very familiar with ResolveRecoveryConflictWithVirtualXIDs,
but it seems it's doing a busy wait. I wonder if that's a good idea, but
it's independent of this bug report.


Tomas Vondra
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company