Обсуждение: pg_dump restores as expected on some machines and reports duplicate keys on others


I am using Postgres 14 on AWS RDS and am seeing the output of pg_dump be restored as expected by pg_restore on some database instances, and fail with reports of duplicate keys on other database instances:
  • My deployments are always a pair, one "logic VM" for Django etc and one "RDS instance". The psql client runs on the logic VM. The Postgres version is the same in all cases; psql reports:
    • psql (14.12 (Ubuntu 14.12-0ubuntu0.22.04.1), server 14.9)
  • The pg_restore is done using the same script in both cases.
  • In the failing cases, there are always the same 26 errors (listed in detail below), but in summary, 3 distinct "child" tables complain of a duplicate id=1, id=2 and id=3 respectively. 
  • These "child" tables are FK-related via some intermediate table to a top level table. They form a polymorphic set. There are other similar child tables which do not appear to be affected:
    • polymorphicmodel
      • companybankdetail
        • companybankdetailde
        • companybankdetailgb  <<< 1 duplicate, id=2
        • companybankdetailus
      • companypostaldetail
        • companypostaldetailde
        • companypostaldetailgb  <<< 1 duplicate, id=1
        • companypostaldetailus
      • companytaxdetail
        • companytaxdetailde
        • companytaxdetailgb  <<< 1 duplicate, id=3
        • companytaxdetailus
      • ...
      • several other hierarchies, all error free
      • ...
  • I've looked at the dumped NNNN.dat files but they contain no duplicates.
  • The one difference I can think of between deployment pairs which work ok, and those which fail is that the logic VM (i.e. where the psql client script runs) is the use of a standard AWS ubuntu image for the OK case, versus a custom AWS image for the failing case.
    • The custom image is a saved snapshot of one created using the standard image.
Why should the use of one type of VM image versus another cause pg_restore to hallucinate the duplicate records?

Encls: 26 errors as mentioned...

pg_restore: while PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: from TOC entry 5635; 1262 53894 DATABASE foo postgres
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  database "foo" already exists
Command was: CREATE DATABASE foo WITH TEMPLATE = template0 ENCODING = 'UTF8' LOCALE = 'en_US.UTF-8';

pg_restore: from TOC entry 4808; 2606 80439 CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companybankdetail paiyroll_companybankdetail_pkey dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  could not create unique index "paiyroll_companybankdetail_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (polymorphicmodel_ptr_id)=(2) is duplicated.
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companybankdetail
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companybankdetail_pkey PRIMARY KEY (polymorphicmodel_ptr_id);

pg_restore: from TOC entry 4812; 2606 80443 CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companybankdetailgb paiyroll_companybankdetailgb_pkey dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  could not create unique index "paiyroll_companybankdetailgb_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (companybankdetail_ptr_id)=(2) is duplicated.
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companybankdetailgb
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companybankdetailgb_pkey PRIMARY KEY (companybankdetail_ptr_id);

pg_restore: from TOC entry 4817; 2606 80447 CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companypostaldetail paiyroll_companypostaldetail_pkey dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  could not create unique index "paiyroll_companypostaldetail_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (polymorphicmodel_ptr_id)=(1) is duplicated.
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companypostaldetail
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companypostaldetail_pkey PRIMARY KEY (polymorphicmodel_ptr_id);

pg_restore: from TOC entry 4821; 2606 80451 CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companypostaldetailgb paiyroll_companypostaldetailgb_pkey dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  could not create unique index "paiyroll_companypostaldetailgb_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (companypostaldetail_ptr_id)=(1) is duplicated.
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companypostaldetailgb
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companypostaldetailgb_pkey PRIMARY KEY (companypostaldetail_ptr_id);

pg_restore: from TOC entry 4826; 2606 80455 CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companytaxdetail paiyroll_companytaxdetail_pkey dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  could not create unique index "paiyroll_companytaxdetail_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (polymorphicmodel_ptr_id)=(3) is duplicated.
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companytaxdetail
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companytaxdetail_pkey PRIMARY KEY (polymorphicmodel_ptr_id);

pg_restore: from TOC entry 4830; 2606 80459 CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companytaxdetailgb paiyroll_companytaxdetailgb_pkey dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  could not create unique index "paiyroll_companytaxdetailgb_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (companytaxdetail_ptr_id)=(3) is duplicated.
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companytaxdetailgb
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companytaxdetailgb_pkey PRIMARY KEY (companytaxdetail_ptr_id);

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5018; 2606 80614 CONSTRAINT paiyroll_polymorphicmodel paiyroll_polymorphicmodel_pkey dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  could not create unique index "paiyroll_polymorphicmodel_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(3) is duplicated.
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_polymorphicmodel
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_polymorphicmodel_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5207; 2606 81004 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companybankdetailde paiyroll_companybank_companybankdetail_pt_282859e0_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_companybankdetail"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companybankdetailde
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companybank_companybankdetail_pt_282859e0_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (companybankdetail_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_companybankdetail(polymorphicmodel_ptr_id) DEF

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5209; 2606 81009 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companybankdetailus paiyroll_companybank_companybankdetail_pt_555d62e4_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_companybankdetail"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companybankdetailus
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companybank_companybankdetail_pt_555d62e4_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (companybankdetail_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_companybankdetail(polymorphicmodel_ptr_id) DEF

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5208; 2606 81014 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companybankdetailgb paiyroll_companybank_companybankdetail_pt_5cf33abb_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_companybankdetail"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companybankdetailgb
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companybank_companybankdetail_pt_5cf33abb_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (companybankdetail_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_companybankdetail(polymorphicmodel_ptr_id) DEF

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5206; 2606 81019 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companybankdetail paiyroll_companybank_polymorphicmodel_ptr_d05e0f06_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_polymorphicmodel"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companybankdetail
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companybank_polymorphicmodel_ptr_d05e0f06_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (polymorphicmodel_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_polymorphicmodel(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFER

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5213; 2606 81029 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companypostaldetailgb paiyroll_companypost_companypostaldetail__86015d44_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_companypostaldetail"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companypostaldetailgb
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companypost_companypostaldetail__86015d44_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (companypostaldetail_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_companypostaldetail(polymorphicmodel_ptr_id)

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5214; 2606 81034 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companypostaldetailus paiyroll_companypost_companypostaldetail__963c29cd_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_companypostaldetail"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companypostaldetailus
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companypost_companypostaldetail__963c29cd_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (companypostaldetail_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_companypostaldetail(polymorphicmodel_ptr_id)

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5212; 2606 81039 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companypostaldetailde paiyroll_companypost_companypostaldetail__f51f0ce0_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_companypostaldetail"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companypostaldetailde
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companypost_companypostaldetail__f51f0ce0_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (companypostaldetail_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_companypostaldetail(polymorphicmodel_ptr_id)

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5211; 2606 81044 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companypostaldetail paiyroll_companypost_polymorphicmodel_ptr_d9fc1568_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_polymorphicmodel"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companypostaldetail
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companypost_polymorphicmodel_ptr_d9fc1568_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (polymorphicmodel_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_polymorphicmodel(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFER

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5217; 2606 81054 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companytaxdetailde paiyroll_companytaxd_companytaxdetail_ptr_6509fa4d_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_companytaxdetail"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companytaxdetailde
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companytaxd_companytaxdetail_ptr_6509fa4d_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (companytaxdetail_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_companytaxdetail(polymorphicmodel_ptr_id) DEFER

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5219; 2606 81059 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companytaxdetailus paiyroll_companytaxd_companytaxdetail_ptr_b8b74e53_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_companytaxdetail"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companytaxdetailus
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companytaxd_companytaxdetail_ptr_b8b74e53_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (companytaxdetail_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_companytaxdetail(polymorphicmodel_ptr_id) DEFER

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5218; 2606 81064 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companytaxdetailgb paiyroll_companytaxd_companytaxdetail_ptr_d9437c9a_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_companytaxdetail"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companytaxdetailgb
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companytaxd_companytaxdetail_ptr_d9437c9a_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (companytaxdetail_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_companytaxdetail(polymorphicmodel_ptr_id) DEFER

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5216; 2606 81069 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companytaxdetail paiyroll_companytaxd_polymorphicmodel_ptr_41f5cde7_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_polymorphicmodel"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_companytaxdetail
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_companytaxd_polymorphicmodel_ptr_41f5cde7_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (polymorphicmodel_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_polymorphicmodel(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFER

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5221; 2606 81079 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_debbie paiyroll_debbie_polymorphicmodel_ptr_8b0fe25a_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_polymorphicmodel"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_debbie
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_debbie_polymorphicmodel_ptr_8b0fe25a_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (polymorphicmodel_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_polymorphicmodel(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5234; 2606 81159 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_employeebankdetail paiyroll_employeeban_polymorphicmodel_ptr_6b4ae3ff_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_polymorphicmodel"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_employeebankdetail
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_employeeban_polymorphicmodel_ptr_6b4ae3ff_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (polymorphicmodel_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_polymorphicmodel(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFER

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5239; 2606 81184 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_employeepostaldetail paiyroll_employeepos_polymorphicmodel_ptr_4b75f2aa_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_polymorphicmodel"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_employeepostaldetail
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_employeepos_polymorphicmodel_ptr_4b75f2aa_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (polymorphicmodel_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_polymorphicmodel(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFER

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5249; 2606 81229 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_employeetaxeedetail paiyroll_employeetax_polymorphicmodel_ptr_2554ee34_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_polymorphicmodel"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_employeetaxeedetail
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_employeetax_polymorphicmodel_ptr_2554ee34_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (polymorphicmodel_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_polymorphicmodel(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFER

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5244; 2606 81234 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_employeetaxdetail paiyroll_employeetax_polymorphicmodel_ptr_8c064f71_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_polymorphicmodel"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_employeetaxdetail
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_employeetax_polymorphicmodel_ptr_8c064f71_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (polymorphicmodel_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_polymorphicmodel(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFER

pg_restore: from TOC entry 5258; 2606 81264 FK CONSTRAINT paiyroll_missing paiyroll_missing_polymorphicmodel_ptr_a1958c79_fk_paiyroll_ dbcoreuser
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "paiyroll_polymorphicmodel"
Command was: ALTER TABLE ONLY public.paiyroll_missing
   ADD CONSTRAINT paiyroll_missing_polymorphicmodel_ptr_a1958c79_fk_paiyroll_ FOREIGN KEY (polymorphicmodel_ptr_id) REFERENCES public.paiyroll_polymorphicmodel(id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;

pg_restore: warning: errors ignored on restore: 26
Shaheed Haque <shaheedhaque@gmail.com> writes:
>    - The one difference I can think of between deployment pairs which work
>    ok, and those which fail is that the logic VM (i.e. where the psql client
>    script runs) is the use of a standard AWS ubuntu image for the OK case,
>    versus a custom AWS image for the failing case.

Please go to AWS for support for custom AWS stuff.

            regards, tom lane

On Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 1:02 PM Shaheed Haque <shaheedhaque@gmail.com> wrote:

I am using Postgres 14 on AWS RDS and am seeing the output of pg_dump be restored as expected by pg_restore on some database instances, and fail with reports of duplicate keys on other database instances:
  • My deployments are always a pair, one "logic VM" for Django etc and one "RDS instance". The psql client runs on the logic VM. The Postgres version is the same in all cases; psql reports:
    • psql (14.12 (Ubuntu 14.12-0ubuntu0.22.04.1), server 14.9)
  • The pg_restore is done using the same script in both cases.
  • In the failing cases, there are always the same 26 errors (listed in detail below), but in summary, 3 distinct "child" tables complain of a duplicate id=1, id=2 and id=3 respectively. 
  • These "child" tables are FK-related via some intermediate table to a top level table. They form a polymorphic set. There are other similar child tables which do not appear to be affected:
    • polymorphicmodel
      • companybankdetail
        • companybankdetailde
        • companybankdetailgb  <<< 1 duplicate, id=2
        • companybankdetailus
      • companypostaldetail
        • companypostaldetailde
        • companypostaldetailgb  <<< 1 duplicate, id=1
        • companypostaldetailus
      • companytaxdetail
        • companytaxdetailde
        • companytaxdetailgb  <<< 1 duplicate, id=3
        • companytaxdetailus
      • ...
      • several other hierarchies, all error free
      • ...
  • I've looked at the dumped NNNN.dat files but they contain no duplicates.
  • The one difference I can think of between deployment pairs which work ok, and those which fail is that the logic VM (i.e. where the psql client script runs) is the use of a standard AWS ubuntu image for the OK case, versus a custom AWS image for the failing case.
    • The custom image is a saved snapshot of one created using the standard image.
Why should the use of one type of VM image versus another cause pg_restore to hallucinate the duplicate records?

Encls: 26 errors as mentioned...

pg_restore: while PROCESSING TOC:
pg_restore: from TOC entry 5635; 1262 53894 DATABASE foo postgres
pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  database "foo" already exists
Command was: CREATE DATABASE foo WITH TEMPLATE = template0 ENCODING = 'UTF8' LOCALE = 'en_US.UTF-8';

Check all of the client and server encodings.

99.99% of the time, that's the problem when the same dump file fails to restore on different servers.
On 6/22/24 10:01, Shaheed Haque wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Postgres 14 on AWS RDS and am seeing the output of pg_dump be 
> restored as expected by pg_restore on some database instances, and fail 
> with reports of duplicate keys on other database instances:
>   * My deployments are always a pair, one "logic VM" for Django etc and
>     one "RDS instance". The psql client runs on the logic VM. The
>     Postgres version is the same in all cases; psql reports:
>       o psql (14.12 (Ubuntu 14.12-0ubuntu0.22.04.1), server 14.9)
>   * The pg_restore is done using the same script in both cases.
>   * In the failing cases, there are always the same 26 errors (listed in
>     detail below), but in summary, 3 distinct "child" tables complain of
>     a duplicate id=1, id=2 and id=3 respectively.
>   * These "child" tables are FK-related via some intermediate table to a
>     top level table. They form a polymorphic set. There are other
>     similar child tables which do not appear to be affected:
>       o polymorphicmodel
>           + companybankdetail
>               # companybankdetailde
>               # companybankdetailgb  <<< 1 duplicate, id=2
>               # companybankdetailus
>           + companypostaldetail
>               # companypostaldetailde
>               # companypostaldetailgb  <<< 1 duplicate, id=1
>               # companypostaldetailus
>           + companytaxdetail
>               # companytaxdetailde
>               # companytaxdetailgb  <<< 1 duplicate, id=3
>               # companytaxdetailus
>           + ...
>           + several other hierarchies, all error free
>           + ...
>   * I've looked at the dumped NNNN.dat files but they contain no duplicates.
>   * The one difference I can think of between deployment pairs which
>     work ok, and those which fail is that the logic VM (i.e. where the
>     psql client script runs) is the use of a standard AWS ubuntu image
>     for the OK case, versus a custom AWS image for the failing case.
>       o The custom image is a saved snapshot of one created using the
>         standard image.
> Why should the use of one type of VM image versus another cause 
> pg_restore to hallucinate the duplicate records?

1) Show the complete pg_restore script.

2) The first issue is related to trying to create a database that 
already exists. Does that database have data in it?

Adrian Klaver

Hi  Shaheed,

As pointed above by Adrian Klaver, I suspect that you did multiple attempts that caused Database Already Exists. ( There must be data in the tables, which the next attempt is trying to write again) . I can't think of any scenario where restoration succeeds on one environment and fails on another, if there were some locale difference then it must have failed with a different reason, not the duplicates

Perform a clean up and try again. Hope it succeeds.

Muhammad Ikram
Bitnine Global.

On Sun, Jun 23, 2024 at 2:59 AM Adrian Klaver <adrian.klaver@aklaver.com> wrote:
On 6/22/24 10:01, Shaheed Haque wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using Postgres 14 on AWS RDS and am seeing the output of pg_dump be
> restored as expected by pg_restore on some database instances, and fail
> with reports of duplicate keys on other database instances:
>   * My deployments are always a pair, one "logic VM" for Django etc and
>     one "RDS instance". The psql client runs on the logic VM. The
>     Postgres version is the same in all cases; psql reports:
>       o psql (14.12 (Ubuntu 14.12-0ubuntu0.22.04.1), server 14.9)
>   * The pg_restore is done using the same script in both cases.
>   * In the failing cases, there are always the same 26 errors (listed in
>     detail below), but in summary, 3 distinct "child" tables complain of
>     a duplicate id=1, id=2 and id=3 respectively.
>   * These "child" tables are FK-related via some intermediate table to a
>     top level table. They form a polymorphic set. There are other
>     similar child tables which do not appear to be affected:
>       o polymorphicmodel
>           + companybankdetail
>               # companybankdetailde
>               # companybankdetailgb  <<< 1 duplicate, id=2
>               # companybankdetailus
>           + companypostaldetail
>               # companypostaldetailde
>               # companypostaldetailgb  <<< 1 duplicate, id=1
>               # companypostaldetailus
>           + companytaxdetail
>               # companytaxdetailde
>               # companytaxdetailgb  <<< 1 duplicate, id=3
>               # companytaxdetailus
>           + ...
>           + several other hierarchies, all error free
>           + ...
>   * I've looked at the dumped NNNN.dat files but they contain no duplicates.
>   * The one difference I can think of between deployment pairs which
>     work ok, and those which fail is that the logic VM (i.e. where the
>     psql client script runs) is the use of a standard AWS ubuntu image
>     for the OK case, versus a custom AWS image for the failing case.
>       o The custom image is a saved snapshot of one created using the
>         standard image.
> Why should the use of one type of VM image versus another cause
> pg_restore to hallucinate the duplicate records?

1) Show the complete pg_restore script.

2) The first issue is related to trying to create a database that
already exists. Does that database have data in it?

Adrian Klaver

Muhammad Ikram

Re: pg_dump restores as expected on some machines and reports duplicate keys on others

"David G. Johnston"
On Saturday, June 22, 2024, Shaheed Haque <shaheedhaque@gmail.com> wrote:
  • The one difference I can think of between deployment pairs which work ok, and those which fail is that the logic VM (i.e. where the psql client script runs) is the use of a standard AWS ubuntu image for the OK case, versus a custom AWS image for the failing case.
    • The custom image is a saved snapshot of one created using the standard image.
Why should the use of one type of VM image versus another cause pg_restore to hallucinate the duplicate records?

To tie the other comments to your description: you took/have a snapshot of the base image after you created the database and added some records to it.  Nothing wrong here - you just need to decide how you want to deal with the situation.

David J.

Re: pg_dump restores as expected on some machines and reports duplicate keys on others

"David G. Johnston"
On Saturday, June 22, 2024, David G. Johnston <david.g.johnston@gmail.com> wrote:
On Saturday, June 22, 2024, Shaheed Haque <shaheedhaque@gmail.com> wrote:
  • The one difference I can think of between deployment pairs which work ok, and those which fail is that the logic VM (i.e. where the psql client script runs) is the use of a standard AWS ubuntu image for the OK case, versus a custom AWS image for the failing case.
    • The custom image is a saved snapshot of one created using the standard image.
Why should the use of one type of VM image versus another cause pg_restore to hallucinate the duplicate records?

To tie the other comments to your description: you took/have a snapshot of the base image after you created the database and added some records to it.  Nothing wrong here - you just need to decide how you want to deal with the situation.

Sorry, but to be clear/clarify - you must be using an RDS snapshot as well as an EC2 snapshot, a fresh built RDS cluster isn’t going to be complaining about things (especially the database) existing.

David J.
First, thanks for all the kind replies.

To my eternal shame, after spending hours trying to debug this, I found, buried deep in one of my own initialisation scripts, the creation of a handful of "seed" database objects which, of course, caused all my woes.

Thanks again,
