Обсуждение: Fix for Slony replication issue in pgAdmin


Fix for Slony replication issue in pgAdmin

Neel Patel
Hi Dave,

Please find the attached patch file for fix of below slony issue.

Follow the below steps after creating the set up of slony replication with cluster name "slonycluster2".

1. Open pgAdmin
2. Go to database --> Slony Replication --> "slonycluster2" --> "Replication Sets" --> "slony tables" --> "Tables"
3. Click on any one of the table
4. Error will come.

After following the above steps it shows the below error.

ERROR:  relation "public.pgbench_accounts" does not exist at character 93


After going through the code in pgadmin/slony/slTable.cpp it is executing the below query to display the triggers in properties tab and in SQL Pane window and gets failed because there is no table "pgbench_account" and "pgbench_accounts" table will be crated by using the pgbench utility.

SELECT tgname AS trig_tgname FROM pg_trigger t, pg_proc p, pg_namespace n WHERE t.tgrelid = 'public.pgbench_accounts'::regclass AND t.tgfoid = p.oid AND n.nspname = '_slonycluster2'

So there should not be any dependency of pgbench utility.

To fix the issue we have changed the query as below to display the triggers in properties and SQL pane window.

SELECT tgname AS trig_tgname FROM pg_trigger t, pg_proc p, pg_namespace n WHERE t.tgfoid = p.oid AND p.pronamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname = '_slonycluster2';

Please let me know for any modification.

Neel Patel

Re: Fix for Slony replication issue in pgAdmin

Dave Page
Thanks, applied.

On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 12:38 PM, Neel Patel
<neel.patel@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> Please find the attached patch file for fix of below slony issue.
> Follow the below steps after creating the set up of slony replication with
> cluster name "slonycluster2".
> 1. Open pgAdmin
> 2. Go to database --> Slony Replication --> "slonycluster2" --> "Replication
> Sets" --> "slony tables" --> "Tables"
> 3. Click on any one of the table
> 4. Error will come.
> After following the above steps it shows the below error.
> ERROR:  relation "public.pgbench_accounts" does not exist at character 93
> Analysis:-
> After going through the code in pgadmin/slony/slTable.cpp it is executing
> the below query to display the triggers in properties tab and in SQL Pane
> window and gets failed because there is no table "pgbench_account" and
> "pgbench_accounts" table will be crated by using the pgbench utility.
> SELECT tgname AS trig_tgname FROM pg_trigger t, pg_proc p, pg_namespace n
> WHERE t.tgrelid = 'public.pgbench_accounts'::regclass AND t.tgfoid = p.oid
> AND n.nspname = '_slonycluster2'
> So there should not be any dependency of pgbench utility.
> To fix the issue we have changed the query as below to display the triggers
> in properties and SQL pane window.
> SELECT tgname AS trig_tgname FROM pg_trigger t, pg_proc p, pg_namespace n
> WHERE t.tgfoid = p.oid AND p.pronamespace = n.oid AND n.nspname =
> '_slonycluster2';
> Please let me know for any modification.
> Thanks,
> Neel Patel

Dave Page
Chief Architect, Tools & Installers
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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