Обсуждение: Avoid querying a specific field - how?


Avoid querying a specific field - how?

Stefan Schwarzer

does anyone know how to build a query that SELECTs all fields but not  
a specific one? I have a couple of tables, holding statistical  
information as well as the geospatial one (via Postgis). When I query  
the table I'd like to query only the statistical part - not the  
geospatial, which is not necessary and slows done incredibly the  
query. I searched a bit within the Postgres SQL domain. It seems  
there is an EXCEPT statement, but it seems that it works differently...

Thanks for any help,


Re: Avoid querying a specific field - how?

"Ibrahim Tekin"
i may i misunderstood your question but it seems to me, partial indexes will work for you.
check this example: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/interactive/indexes-partial.html#INDEXES-PARTIAL-EX2

On 2/21/06, Stefan Schwarzer <stefan.schwarzer@grid.unep.ch> wrote:

does anyone know how to build a query that SELECTs all fields but not
a specific one? I have a couple of tables, holding statistical
information as well as the geospatial one (via Postgis). When I query
the table I'd like to query only the statistical part - not the
geospatial, which is not necessary and slows done incredibly the
query. I searched a bit within the Postgres SQL domain. It seems
there is an EXCEPT statement, but it seems that it works differently...

Thanks for any help,


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Re: Avoid querying a specific field - how?

Achilleus Mantzios
O Ibrahim Tekin έγραψε στις Feb 21, 2006 :

> i may i misunderstood your question but it seems to me, partial indexes will
> work for you.
> check this example:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.1/interactive/indexes-partial.html#INDEXES-PARTIAL-EX2
> On 2/21/06, Stefan Schwarzer <stefan.schwarzer@grid.unep.ch> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > does anyone know how to build a query that SELECTs all fields but not
> > a specific one? I have a couple of tables, holding statistical
> > information as well as the geospatial one (via Postgis). When I query
> > the table I'd like to query only the statistical part - not the
> > geospatial, which is not necessary and slows done incredibly the
> > query. I searched a bit within the Postgres SQL domain. It seems
> > there is an EXCEPT statement, but it seems that it works differently...

Why dont you exclude the geospatial fields??
If * is a must then build a view.

> >
> > Thanks for any help,
> >
> > Stef
> >
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> > TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
> >        subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your
> >        message can get through to the mailing list cleanly
> >
